Other communities holding gatherings in Leiby Kletzky's memory, we have to…

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    MANY other communities across New York are holding gatherings in memory of Leiby Kletzky. Dont we have to show compassion for others outside of our community, when they grieve? If we dont, how do we look to others? Are we not Or L’Goyim? Is the meaning of Or L’Goyim aloofness and show of compassion restricted to those in our community?

    For instance, there were gatherings in Sunset Park, and other neighborhoods. Shouldnt we p u b l i c l y grieve en-masse when a non-Jewish child is killed?

    If not, why?


    Our community has shown support in many ways when goyim were killed. Please keep i mind that in big disasters in other countries it is Israel and their medics that are first on the scene to help. I local communities unless it is highly publicized we don’t usually mix in the public eye because when the point is “rage” we try to stay quiet, but quietly when things happen to our neighbors we do show support and mourn with them. Mentchlichkeit is always in the forefront and being human is always key.


    Aries, I hear you, but I think we see from here that we have to step up our efforts in the “show of compassion to others of different races and religions” department. Its always appreciated and the right thing to do. I believe it will make Hashem proud of us.

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