Pesach Vacation 2024

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    Can one really be focused on the Geulah while partying away in Orlando or wherever?

    Is it appropriate to be vacationing while a war in EY is going on?


    lakewhut, there’s enough hock here without you posting.


    The latest Peach getaway advertised in Mishpacha and Ami is in Alexandria… Egypt.


    “The latest Peach getaway advertised in Mishpacha and Ami is in Alexandria… Egypt.”

    What would be a more appropriate venue to participate in the sedorim and commemorate yetzias mitzrayim?? Truly authentic vibe with side-trips to the kevorim of the Pharohs during chol h’moed.


    People should not even be doing that even in peacetime, a colossal waste of money.


    I didn’t see that ad but it may be like the the last time I saw an ad for pesach in egypt a few years ago I was laughing hysterically at the ad and thought it for sure it had to be a joke. I went to that website and I was right, it was an advertisement for Yad L’achim.


    “Rabbi Yisroel Reisman spoke out against those Jews
    who plan their vacations for locations like:
    Switzerland, France, or Italy where the people hate Jews.”

    [He said:] “It would be better to visit the Land of Israel
    to benefit from its holiness and help our brothers economically.”

    SOURCE: Flatbush Jewish Journal, 2010/6/17, page 32


    I’m 59 years old and I have never been to a hotel for Pesach in my entire life. The closest I have come to going away for Pesach was going to my in laws when I was first married and believe me, that was no treat.

    anonymous Jew

    5TResident, would you like a medal?

    anonymous Jew

    This is addressed to hotel naysayers.

    Nobody is forced to go to a hotel. Many people have valid reasons for not going. They include hashkafic, financial,familial and simply not enjoying it. So, why does it bother you if someone does have valid reasons to go and enjoys it? I’ve never seen a comment criticizing someone for not going.
    So, please stop the critiques as they will not change anyone’s mind


    “5TResident, would you like a medal?”

    AnonJew: If you knew his Machatainista, you would be proud to be awarding him the Medal of Honor.

    Sam Klein

    I’ve spent many years in Pesach hotels rather some of them were working there and other years may have been as guests. But all the years that I spent Pesach in a fancy hotel program experience I always walked away from the program and hotel saying “there’s still nothing like making pesach at home” and it didn’t make any difference rather it was a working year as a hotel Mashgiach or a king guest to enjoy all the food and programs that come with the expensive price you pay to go to the program

    I hope you’ll make the right decision this upcoming Pesach for you and your family.

    Uncle Ben

    I’m always amazed at how much money people have available to spend on these programs.
    Dorah: A Machatainista is not a shvigger.


    Speaking of shivgers… What is the difference between an in-law and an outlaw?

    .pǝʇuɐʍ ǝɹɐ sʍɐlʇno :ɹǝʍsuⱯ


    There is a kosher way to do everything. There are all types of trips at different costs. It’s really not hard to imagine how people can focus on geula while away. But if your really unsure, the answer is an obvious yes. It’s funny you mention Orlando. I wouldn’t exactly call Orlando partying. Many who rent a private home are basic doing the exact preparations for the holiday they would at home, just in a different house. Not sure what you think goes on there.


    user:176 — So, then, why are they going to Orlando?


    Why are they going to Orlando?

    Attractions to occupy the kids time
    Swimming weather not in the northeast
    Because the friends go.and it’s call keeping up with the (insert common Jewish family name).

    I have no interest in going away for Pesach, never did


    Every year we read stories here on YWN such as the following. Yet they keep on coming….

    Pesach Nightmare in Orlando:

    A relaxing Pesach getaway to Orlando has turned into a nightmare for hundreds of folks this year.

    Described as “a five-star hotel program without the hotel” on its website, the “A Different Pesach Program” at the Windsor West Side allegedly ran into some serious financial issues, leaving many families without food being delivered timely or a place to Daven. There were all types of claims circulating on social media, including that there is no food whatsoever and that people were threatened with eviction.

    The program’s owner appears to have vacated the premises, leaving his remaining staff to contend with hundreds of shocked and disgruntled patrons, according to the Times of Israel……..


    In the 1990s (or maybe the very early 2000s), one of the “Frum” magazines revealed that Orthodox Jews [at that time] spent an amazing $250 million every year on Pesach vacations! $250 MILLION DOLLARS!! Just for Pesach vacations alone!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute.
    Over 20 years, that adds-up to $5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute.


    CTL: Is this Pesach a good time for us to come to the compound? Whenever works for the CTL family, I’ll try to make work for us.


    Over 20 years, that adds-up to $5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute…

    Think of how many billions of dollars yidden have spent each year running off to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. For those who have the money, its a decision they can make without the need for prior approval from the CR nudniks.


    Over 20 years, that adds-up to $5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute…

    Wow that is enough to buy a box of Entermann’s for every frum person who is not makpid on Cholov Yisroel or Bishul Yishroel and still have enough leftover cash to put 50 Shadchunim on payroll for life.



    The CTL doors are always open for your family. My grandchildren miss your precious daughter. Perhaps she is reaching the age where a future match might be discussed.

    BTW, we can prepare a kitchen for you in the guest house should you not mish on Pesach. Although your family has eaten in the compound in the past, we understand Pesach brings its own strictures.

    The pool will be open and heated with separate swimming hours. Tickets for local sporting events in place. An afternoon at the Peabody natural history museum would be enjoyable and suitable Chol HaMoed activity for the children.

    It is far too long (pre-Covid) since we have had the honor of hosting you. Unlike those spending thousands on vacations in rental properties that have been occupied by who knows what type of people, your only additional expense to being at home is a few gallons of gas and the tolls on the Whitestone Bridge.

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