In my last thread I discussed reviving old threads, and how eerie it is. Today, I;m going to do something different. One time, I made a thread with this title and it didn’;t go through, but now I’m writing a different body. The question is, was the title the problem or the inside?
It could have been anything. It could be the mod who saw it first and rejected it simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning or he doesn’t like you. But another mod may have caught this post first and approved it.
because that’s what the world is all about! If we don’t try we get nowhere. If Colombus wouldn’t have tried then what would tomorrow be all about? If Basya wouldn’t have tried rescuing Moshe, do you think she would have ended up marrying him? Hashem doesn’t expect us to succeed necessarily, just to try our best.
Hashem does not want us to try our best to start a discussion which will certainly lead to much hurt feelings.