Prayer for finding lost objects

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    My son lost his backpack. He was travelling back to his base and when he got there the backpack he put in the hold of the bus was gone. It had his wallet and Tefillin and clothes and books. Of course the Tefillin was the most important. Anyway, while he went to Egged to the lost and found I searched on the web for the prayer for lost objects. I found it on this site. I gave ten shekels to tzeddaka (about $2.50) and said the prayer three times. The second I finished, my son called to tell me someone had returned the bag. He had taken it by accident instead of his own. Baruch Hashem! But the second I finished the prayer. I’m a believer!!

    Shticky Guy

    Great story Rosally that goes to show what is common knowledge that the prayer for finding lost objects really works. It is tried and tested. I would use it more often but I cannot always find the prayer… ☺


    Works for me, too. I just did it twice this week. It is the giving of the tzedaka in the z’chus of Rabbi Meir Baal Haneis, that is suppsoed to help.


    Thanks for sharing 🙂 I too used this tefillah many times, and it worked.

    Feif Un

    My wife lost hare wallet over Pesach at a relative’s house. She said the tefillah, and we put money in he pushkah for R’ Meir baal Haneis. We’re still looking for it a week later…


    i think that believing in it 100% is plain avodah zara! yes u can daven to find sumtin but to make it into like the magic words is against evrytin we believe in! its like the rebbe that scares away mice complete shtus! n like putting the rebbe in your baby’s carriage! we do not attribute powers to our rabbanim!


    Segulas are brought down in various seforim. They are a yiddishe concept.


    I’ve never tried it, but I don’t see how it’s avoda zara— it’s just a tefilla which can help find lost objects along with tzedaka.

    I know my aunt lost her diamond ring, and gave money to R’ Meir Baal Hanes and found it when someone was about to flush the toilet and saw it in the water. Not joking. To this day, nobody can figure out how it got there.

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