Princess Dianna

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    How do we know she was killed in the month of Elul? On her tombstone it states: Ani Le’dodi Ve’dodi Li


    This is in the spirit of Motzoia Shabbos threads? Nevertheless, extremely tasteless.


    Squeak what is wrong with this thread? Its nice to hear anything about someone who was a princess in the true sense of the word, especially for a non jew, who was not raised in Torah, yet she spread loving kindness by sitting with the sick, giving hope to the needy, holding the hands of the hospitalized in the middle of the night, when it was especially going to be least likely to be recognized. She did it for the mitzvah. Not for the honor.

    welldressed007 is that really what is written on her tombstone????

    am yisrael chai

    It’s a clever joke that belongs on the joke thread


    Diana was very far from someone to emulate with her despicable and unmentionable pritusdik behavior.


    well she was married to a piece of garbage for a husband who cheated on her, and demanded she have her nose surgically reconstructed before they were even married. and he never loved her or gave her any honor.

    She may have been unhappy and therefore made a mistake.


    Mistake? It was inexcusable as bad as a husband she had. Such a thing is never excusable. Under both English and Jewish law she should have been executed.

    Aishes Chayil


    She may have made a mistake , but as Shmoel says she was hardly a role model to bring to the forefront . Especially not as the coming days ahead approach.

    If you want to take an example from a Righteous Gentile, I’m sure you can do a lot better.


    I don’t understand. What is wrong with saying that she had laudable qualities that we would do well to emulate? I don’t think saying that is an endorsement for everything she ever did.


    If you look hard enough you may find Stalin had some “laudable qualities”. I still don’t think you would use such “qualities” with him as the example, as “laudable” as they may be. This woman was the lowest of the low. Even when she wasn’t committing the ultimate sin, she was known to go around all over in entirely immodest fashion.

    am yisrael chai

    I CHOOSE to look at her positives:

    -tremendous charity work, especially in dangerous areas (mine fields, etc.) and very sick kids

    -raised kids without bending to outside pressure (birth and schooling locations, etc.)

    -tried to be the best mother she could despite coming from a broken home with some poor parenting

    -helped teach the importance of wearing seatbelts

    It’s just so easy to criticize others.

    Whatever happened to ??? ???? ?? ????…

    Sure, she wasn’t perfect, perhaps not close, but neither are we…


    she was known to go around all over in entirely immodest fashion.

    So what? She had no mitzvah of tznius. Do you also fault her for eating pork?

    The Wolf


    ‘……she was known to go around all over in entirely immodest fashion. ‘


    She is not comitted to dressing in a tzinusdike fashoion. She is not a bas Yisroel after all.


    Something different here to see a thread on the late Princess Diana!!Question is why is she so well known?, because she was a celebrity and a royal fashion plate. In her own way she did indeed do a lot of good in promoting the removal of land mines and reaching out to the victims of leprosy , she also was for the UK the first royal who seemed more human and caring then the rest. BUT being a princess for me is not about a title, try and get over the world’s obsession with rank ! Why because we are Jews and rank is not about title or dress, it is about behaviour and manner. A warm manner and a kind heart is truly royal, not a title or mode of dress. I know Diana was very popular, here in the UK her death had a big impact . There are other great gentile women who can be admired for their legacy of care and concern, perhaps with Diana it was the whole royal fairytale thing ( gone wrong) When it comes to beauty, behaviour and good old fashioned chen I must say look around you at our girls, who so often really do amazing thing. Glossy magazine images are there to sell brands and images, in Jewish circles there are amazing stories of courage, beauty and kindness to think of. I teach young University students, and am so proud when young frum jews behave well.

    Shticky Guy

    Shlomo Hamelech said a Chochom is one who learns mikol odom from everyone. We must just be careful and consider which are the worthy traits of an otherwise bad person that are fitting for us to emulate and which are the aspects of even a good person which need ignoring.

    The ‘Mother Teressa’ aspects of Diana’s life including establishing the first treaty against the use of land mines and helping the sick and poor are fantastic achievements worthy of praise. The adultery aspects, amongst others, are the reason we say shelo asani goy, refering even to ‘worthy’ gentiles who nevertheless live a torahless life.

    BTW The way you misspelt her name she sounds like a “n na nach”. I suppose she did go around cheering people up…


    the humor level here sometimes give the appearance of not being here. For all you young persons who do not remember Princess Di she was dating Dodi El Fayad at the time of her untimely death. Hence:

    Ani LeDodi ve’dodi li.

    A goed gebenchte Year to all, Sh’nas chaim, refuas to all those who need it, Parnoso be’revach and we should all I”YH be inscribed in the Sefer Ha’chaim.


    “If you want to take an example from a Righteous Gentile, I’m sure you can do a lot better. “

    Who said Princess Diena was a gentile? Her mother was born a Rothchild. (Later changed her name to Roche before she married Earl Spencer).


    First of all, she was killed the day before rosh chodesh elul, if you’re interested in marking the yarzeit. Secondly, I took the quote from her matzeiva completely differently. Her male “friend” with whom she was killed in accident was named Dodi, so the quote further hints to a lifestyle that I’m pretty sure CR readers are not looking to emulate. Sure, Diana suffered plenty and the fact that despite her second rate status with her husband she was the paragon of chessed for the umos haolam. Still, we can find role models that don’t sacrafice their morals while running to do chessed.


    welldressed007: We got the Dodi reference.

    Good joke, but I agree with Squeak that it isn’t in the best Elul taste.

    Tahini: I like your point.




    Elul or not, its a tasteless joke. She was a well liked person, and certainly no one’s enemy. I find it hard to appreciate jokes made at her expense, as I’m sure most people with a reasonable level of maturity do, moreso since she is deceased.

    Aishes Chayil

    Her mother was born a Rothschild????

    Do you have a source for this info?


    Who said Princess Diena was a gentile? Her mother was born a Rothchild. (Later changed her name to Roche before she married Earl Spencer).

    The Roche family has been a family of Irish nobility since 1855 (and goes back even further).


    Try googling “was princess Diena jewish” and see what you come up with.


    Try googling “was hitler jewish” and see what you come up with.


    I know that all kind of crazy conspirecies are out there but I dont think its the case here, check it out.

    Herr Himmel

    It was a good think she kicked the bucket when she did rather than her continue to spread her immorality. Well deserved too, after she did what she did.


    I’m still trying to figure out if sammy davis jr was jewish.


    Your sure princess di was jewish? Adam sandler doesn’t mention her in either hanukah song.

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