Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

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    Rav Hamburg from Moreshes Ashkenaz holds that even in Israel one should continue his Minhog to lay Tefillin on Chol haMoed. In practice, some of the Moreshes Ashkenaz Minjnim in Israel do lay Tefillin, whereas others don’t, because on different Pesakim they have received.

    Even Rav Scheinberg held, that someone who used to lay Tefillin, should still lay them in Israel, albeit @home in private.


    The difference is that wearing Tfilin on chol hamoed is possibly an issur for those who don’t wear. Not wearing a talis isn’t even bitul asei.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Yes. There’s no issur involved in wearing or not wearing a talis, whereas there potentially is regarding tefillin.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That being said, I know a non-Yekkishe family which moved to Washington Heights and the boys wore taleisim.


    This is so simple it isn’t true.
    Do what your father did. If you suspect your father didn’t have a clue then ask your Rav.
    Whatever you do, don’t listen to the batlonim who contribute to blogs like this.


    Hello Richard!

    Coming to us Achron shel Pesach?

    (And watch who you call a batlan!)


    Do what your father did. Please bear in mind, that some of we 1st generation post Holocaust survivors, have fathers who weren’t even Bar-Mitzwah when their own Fathers perished, so in many cases our Fathers aren’t entirely sure what the true family Mesorah is.


    RichardM, Do what your father did is of course the simplest solution. But, it doesn’t help when your circumstances change. E.g. moving to EY where the minhag is like the Bet Yosef or the Gr”a who both paskened Tfilin should not be worn on Chol Hamoed.

    (I think I’m out of here now, as we’re just going in circles now, albeit this is a fascinating subject.)

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