Quick Quote from Rabbi Yehuda Cahn

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    Rabbi Yehuda Cahn said:

    “…one who mocks others has a mean and defective character…”

    SOURCE: Torah From Jerusalem Volume 2 (page 335), by Rabbi Yehuda Cahn, year 2002 CE, Baltimore, Maryland.

    Rabbi Yehuda Cahn is a graduate of Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, and a practicing attorney.


    Dr Mendy Ganchrow said

    “No greater relief know to humankind than a hemorrhoid removed”

    Source: heard firsthand

    Dr Mendy Ganchrow graduated YU and was a practicing proctologist


    Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 25B:
    Rabbi Nachman taught: All mockery is forbidden, except mocking idol worship, which is permitted.
    Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:
    Rabbi Elazar taught: Whoever mocks, sufferings come upon him…
    Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:
    Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish taught: Whoever mocks, will fall into Gehinom.
    Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:
    Rabbi Ketina taught: Whoever mocks, his wealth [literally, food] is decreased…
    Rabbeinu Yonah commentary on tractate Avot, chapter 3, paragraph 2:
    Those who mock others, the Holy One Blessed Be He will mock them, and they will lose more than the people they mocked. And the humble persons who remain silent and tolerate them and they do not answer back, the Holy One Blessed Be He will give them grace [chein].


    Quick quote from Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski:

    Every frum Yid benefits from the things that askanim do. From intervening with governmental matters, legal issues, dealing with yeshivos, getting streets blocked for various events, and others too numerous to mention, we all derive much benefit from what they do. Nearly all, or perhaps absolutely all, function selflessly. Hatzoloh, Shomrim, and Chaverim are totally volunteer staffed.

    Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski is a renowned and much sought-after mental health professional who holds a Ph.D. in psychology from University of Pittsburgh. He lives and practices in Brooklyn.


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