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    Are you a racist? How racist are you? How do you relate your racism to your Judaism?


    Do racists know that they are racist?


    Where in Shulchan Aruch does the Mechaber pasken that racism on non-Jews is prohibited?


    If they know the meaning of the word, they do.

    Avi K

    Joseph ,he also does not pasken that it is prohibited to say lashon hara. In any case, opposing a belief is not racism. We must strive to love all peoples (Rav Chaim Vital Shaarei Kedusha 1,1,1 and Rav Kook Midot HaRaya Ahava 5). Indeed, if someone has the status of a ger toshav (without getting into whether or nott his status exists in our time) we have a positive Tora mitzva to keep him alive.


    Avi, is there a Sefer Chofetz Chaim indicating anything wrong with it as it pertains to non-Jews? There is one regarding the issue of loshon hora as it pertains between Jews, but nothing for the subject on hand. If you have any maare mekomos even from the late great Achronim saying it is untoward, please share. I know of none.


    Joseph, so in your view, anti semitism is kosher sbce we can be racists

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    LC, define “we”.


    We is anyone who thinks like Joseph. It does not include me.


    i think all minority groups feel some sort of racism to other minority groups, although i could be wrong

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The whole point of racism is that “we” are better than “them”, so why would you think that the equation can be reversed?


    DY, being better than “them” is not necessarily racism. You described “we” in a positive light while not denigrating”them”. To me, racism denigrates entire groups of people by ascribing to them unfounded or exaggerated negative traits i.e. Jews are cheap and cheat, Irish are drunks, blacks are lazy and Italians are criminals. It’s also calling yhem with insulting names ; K word ( jews ) N word and S yiddish word ( blacks ) W word ( Italians ) and M word (Irish )

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I think I hear what you’re saying, although I didn’t take Joseph’s comments the way I think you did.

    As you know, halacha distinguishes between how we deal with Jews and non-Jews (e.g. lending and borrowing money with interest), and some would call that racist. Would that justify non-Jews treating us worse, say in hiring practices?

    I definitely think we should treat people with respect without regard to their race.


    Stating that Race A is better than Race B is or is not “racist”?


    “Race A is better than Race B”

    The very concept of “race” is absent from Judaism.


    Can’t you be racist against your own race?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Charlie, that depends on how you define race. There are most definitely halachos which distinguish between members of different nations – Amalekim, Mitzrim, Amonim, Moavim.

    ‘???’ ??”? ??”? ??”? ?


    When i was growing up the S word was extremely common and of course used derogatorily.


    Define a racist.

    Any Jews who holds there are different biological “races” is adopting the theory of there having been multiple creations, and is clearly an apikores. Any human being can convert. In America, “racist” usually means believing that some people belong to an “inferior” race based on physical characteristics (such as skin color).

    If you define racism more broadly as including a belief that your own ethnic, religious or cultural group is superior (reflecting how racism is defined elsewhere), most people have pride in their own. All nationalism, by definition, is racist.

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