Remembering My Rebbi, Mattersdorfer Rav, Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld, ztz’l

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    Reb Eliezer

    He was the grandson of the Chasan Sofer (the grandson of the Chasam Sofer). This second day Shevuos will be his forty-second yahr zeit. See https://en.wikipedia dot org/wiki/Shmuel_Ehrenfeld
    The Chasan Sofer says that Shevuos was designated on the 6th of Sivan and the not the 7th which was Kabolas Hatorah because on the 6th the Jews accepted the Torah with their full will which was more precious and then they got scarred, regretted the next day and needed to be forced.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story where a bachur in the yeshiva had torn shoes and the rebbe just got new shoes having rachmonus on him, he took off his own shoes and gave it to him and mekiyum what it says שלף איש נעלו ונתן לרעיהו. one takes his shoes off and gives it to his friend. This indicates his whole being as it says שמעון הצדיק ‘הוא’ היה אומר, he said it with his being.


    Reb Eliezer, there’s a similar story of the Klausenberger Rebbe zt’l giving his socks to a girl in the DP camp, after the war.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer interprets Moshe Rabbenu’s answer to Yisro כי יהי’ להם דבר בא אלי, when they have a problem, they come to me and it does not say באים אלי in order to communicate his feelings how it touches his heart when the benei yisrael have a problem. He must personally act on it. We can say this on the rebbe ztz’l also.


    Thanks for being mazkir neshamos.We are related to the Rav distantly as the 3 Kraus sisters married a Kohen, Levi and Yisrael. The Kohen was a son of Reb Yisachar Sigheter nephew of the Ketzos and son of the Kuntres . The Levi was Rav Pollak , the ancestor of the Serentche Rav and about 200 Rabbonim in Pre-war Hungary.The Yisrael was the Mattersdorfer . Anyone hear this mayseh?

    Reb Eliezer

    Benephraim, I think you are making a mistake. The Mattersdorfer is the father of Rav Shmuel ztz’l, married Gittel Krausz who was his mother. He married his first cousin Rochel Ehrenfeld, the daughter of his father’s (Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld) brother, Dovid Tzvi Erhrenfeld who was a son of the Chasan Sofer.


    Thanks for confirming that it was Gittel Krauss who married into the Mattersdorfer Mishpacha. The Pollak ( Levi) Bubby was Leah Krauss. Any other info would be appreciated.Especially about Reb Yisochor Sigeter who was a big Rov and Dayan maybe in Stray. Thanks

    Reb Eliezer

    Benephraim, look at the above wikipedia reference.

    Reb Eliezer

    The 43rd yahrzeit will be this Shabbos.

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