Saying Inappropriate Tehillim

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    Last Tishrei, I began saying one perek of tehillim a day. I figured that by doing so (and by splitting 119 up into 22 sections and only doing one of those a day), I could finish Tehillim roughly twice a year.

    On the second day of Yom Tov, I reached the sixth chapter of Tehilllim. During davening, this chapter is skipped on Yom Tov (since it is, for the most part, the chapter of Tachanun). Indeed, it’s skipped for the entire month, but all the more so for Yom Tov.

    When I saw that I had reached that particular chapter, I considered not saying it. After all, if we’re not supposed to say it in davening, then perhaps it’s better to skip it altogether and not say it on that day. I considered for a while back and forth and, eventually, chose to say it.

    Now, however, looking back, I’m wondering if I caused a desecration of Yom Tov (and perhaps a nullification of the mitzvah of V’Samachta B’chagecha) by reciting something that is so out of character for the day and that is clearly not in theme with the idea of simcha and Yom Tov.

    Figures that even when I try to do something right I manage to completely screw it up.

    The Wolf


    “Last Tishrei, I began saying one perek of tehillim a day.”

    Hah! I knew you’re not that biggest baddest worstest horriblest terriblest rasha ever!

    “After all, if we’re not supposed to say it in davening, then perhaps it’s better to skip it altogether and not say it on that day.”

    Some people say the entire Tehilim every day. Including on Yom Tov. So, clearly, it is appropriate to say.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Wow wolf!

    יישר כח!

    I only say one perek of tehillim from that day’s set (along with ממעמקים & אשא עיני) and there are some perakim I haven’t said because I tend to choose short


    I believe it is incumbent for posters to henceforth always refer to the OP as “Der Tzadik Reb Volf”. (Wolf doesn’t do him justice.)

    Shimon Nodel

    The artscroll Tisha bav anthology was put together during chol hamoed succos. It’s always appropriate to be מתחנן לפני השם. You could say it any day of the year. Omitting it from davening is different. We aren’t kovea it as a tzibur


    Hows Tehillim inappropriate?? You dont say it by davening so……..??? KEEP UP THE TEHILLIM!! It will only bring bracha to your life. the halacha is not to say it in davening but mistama’ you could say it.(Ayin’ Minshna berurah)

    Reb Eliezer

    I say every weekday 13, 41, 83, 91, 121, 130 and 142. 13 for the length of the galus, 41 for the sick.
    83 protection from the goyim, 91 against COVID, 121, 142 general protection and 130 foregiveness for sins.


    I believe it is incumbent for posters to henceforth always refer to the OP as “Der Tzadik Reb Volf”. (Wolf doesn’t do him justice.)

    In all and complete sincerity, please, please, please do not do that.

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    Just to clarify I don’t say it on shabbos and Yom tov


    Wow wolf!

    Thank you, but in reality, it’s not that big of a deal. It literally takes me no more than three minutes a day.

    (And, to be completely honest, I did miss a week in November when I got sick with food poisoning and had to be hospitalized.)

    The Wolf


    And, of course, as chance would have it, today I was up to Tehillim 20.

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Thank you, but in reality, it’s not that big of a deal. It literally takes me no more than three minutes a day.“

    So what? How many people say even one perek of tehillim (besides the שיר המעלות that everyone says)


    There’s no such thing as “chance”.


    Can anyone identify an instance where where chazal bring down that someone was punished or suffered bad outcomes for either saying tehillim at the “wrong time” or reciting the “wrong perek” at the right time? Seems like the you cannot go wrong with saying a kapital tehillim anytime, anywhere or for any reason.


    It may be ineffective to daven for a wrong thing if you misdiagnosed the problem. for example, you made an aveira but you think that you did a mitzva and then someone else is harsh to you. So, you then ask Hashem to punish the Rasha (him) and reward the Tzaddik (you).This may involve some tehilim .. Then,if your davening is effective then Hashem will punish the Rasha (you) and reward the tzaddik (him).


    GH >> someone was punished or suffered bad outcomes for either saying tehillim at the “wrong time” or reciting the “wrong perek” at the right time?

    Moshe is credited for saying exceptional responses to Hashem and melachim that achieved great results. It follows, were he to use different responses, he would not have been successful in these cases.


    So what? How many people say even one perek of tehillim (besides the שיר המעלות that everyone says)

    I don’t judge myself in comparison to others. Whether every one says the entire sefer 100 times a day or not at all does not change my own views about my own accomplishments (or lack thereof).

    The Wolf


    There’s no such thing as “chance”.

    You know what I meant…

    The Wolf

    Reb Eliezer

    It says ratzon yeraiov yeaaseh and then es shavosom yishma veyoshiem. The order should be the reverse, first listen and then do? I heard that sometimes we ask for the wrong things but Hashem listens to us, so must daven again to undo it. We should daven yemalei Hashem mishalos libbenu ‘letova’ only if it good for us listen to our hearts desire.

    ☕️coffee addict


    There are numerous stories of gedolim that “steal” 5 minutes a day to learn something where in the end they make a siyum called a “5 minute siyum”



    There are numerous stories of gedolim that “steal” 5 minutes a day to learn something where in the end they make a siyum called a “5 minute siyum”

    And that’s wonderful. But it also has nothing to do with me. I’m not competing with the Gedolim to see who can accomplish the most in the least time.

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    “And that’s wonderful. But it also has nothing to do with me. I’m not competing with the Gedolim to see who can accomplish the most in the least time.“

    You’re deliberately misunderstanding me and you know it
    You don’t judge a person on how little he (or she) does, as long as it’s done with the right כוונה


    You’re deliberately misunderstanding me and you know it

    I give you my word that I’m not deliberately misunderstanding you.

    You don’t judge a person on how little he (or she) does, as long as it’s done with the right כוונה

    I wasn’t judging anyone other than myself.

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    Then I’m sorry I’m not clear

    A person shouldn’t be judged on how little he (or she) does, as long as it’s done with the right כוונה
    As long as your כוונה is right you are doing a good thing

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    wolf – I know I’ve posted this before but I’m saying it again. Your photographs are stunning. You obviously possess intense feelings and awareness of beauty. I can only assume this intensity sometimes works against you as well, your funks are no strangers to the CR.
    You are a man of tremendous talent, but also of depth and perception (can perception be used in this way? Well it can now).

    I argued with my daughter today about an intense picture I saw online of a disheveled man looking in the mirror and a well kempt man looking back. I said this seems to be the opposite of a depressed man, who is actually well kempt but sees himself as disheveled. She said that she thinks this is not the opposite. This is a man feeling awful, who’s pain is ignored by everyone who only sees a well kempt man.

    What do you think?

    Reb Eliezer

    The mishna at the end kf Maseches Menochos says that the importance is not the amount but the proper intention of the heart. Rav Ovadyah Yosef ztz’l has an implication the letters after אך (less) and גם (more) is לב.


    wolf – I know I’ve posted this before but I’m saying it again. Your photographs are stunning. You obviously possess intense feelings and awareness of beauty. I can only assume this intensity sometimes works against you as well, your funks are no strangers to the CR.
    You are a man of tremendous talent, but also of depth and perception (can perception be used in this way? Well it can now).

    Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate the comment and am glad that my photos bring you happiness.

    I argued with my daughter today about an intense picture I saw online of a disheveled man looking in the mirror and a well kempt man looking back. I said this seems to be the opposite of a depressed man, who is actually well kempt but sees himself as disheveled. She said that she thinks this is not the opposite. This is a man feeling awful, who’s pain is ignored by everyone who only sees a well kempt man.

    What do you think?

    Actually, neither. That picture had nothing to do with pain or depression. It was just a photographic experiment that worked fairly well, trying to composite two different pictures while telling a story. If anything, the picture means nothing more than “it’s just too early in the morning…” 🙂

    The Wolf


    Then I’m sorry I’m not clear

    No need to apologize. It could be that you were clear and I just missed it anyway.

    A person shouldn’t be judged on how little he (or she) does, as long as it’s done with the right כוונה
    As long as your כוונה is right you are doing a good thing

    OK, I think I can agree with that.

    The Wolf

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    “That picture had nothing to do with pain or depression.”
    I don’t think I experienced it to be your message, but it struck me very deeply the first time I saw it and became representative of the dichotomy of how we feel vs how we look, and how we look vs how we wish we looked etc. It really pulled me so I hope you don’t mind me applying my own messages.

    Davening for ya!


    I don’t think I experienced it to be your message, but it struck me very deeply the first time I saw it and became representative of the dichotomy of how we feel vs how we look, and how we look vs how we wish we looked etc. It really pulled me so I hope you don’t mind me applying my own messages.

    I never quite thought of the picture in that way. Thank you.

    The Wolf

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