Schalit deal?

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    Several News outlets including YWN say a Schalit deal may only be a few Days/weeks away….Please Hashem let this be so…

    The Frumguy

    Did you see what Israel’s government might promise for the exchange? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. Hashem Yerachem and it should be for the best for all of Klal Yisroel.


    IMHO one can’t resume “normal” life after such an horriffic expirience. They can eighter fall into depresion and waist away their life or they can become someone very special and inspiering but in any case not a simple “normal” man. Lets hope he return home safely and quickly and the second scinario turn out to be the case.


    It is wonderful that he may become free, but on the flip side how many innocent people will die from crimes committed by the soon to be free prisoners?


    Goq: Baruch Hashem we don’t have to make those decisions. HKBH put the people with the capability to make the right decision for everyone in charge.


    Goq, I agree, its a bitter/sweet situation. May hashem wach over all of Am Yisroel.

    Feif Un

    People are debating whether it is right or wrong to release hundreds of terrorists to get back one person.

    I don’t know the answer to that. I choose to focus on the positive thing here – after five years, it looks like Gilad is finally coming home!

    I had tears in my eyes when I read the report. I can only imagine the joy they are feeling right now.

    Just a short time ago, we all davened for Gilad to have a good year, and asked that this be the year Gilad gets to come home. Thank You, Hashem, for answering our tefillos in the affirmative!!!


    Sam: The people who make these decisions are definitely NOT the right people who should be making them.


    Not to mention it gives them more incentive than ever to abduct Israeli soldiers and civilians.


    Amused: Chas Veshalom. The Gemara says that even a minor official is never appointed without HKBH’s approval. You really think that the Knesset members and the Israeli PM weren’t?


    that doesnt mean they are the most qualified or act with the Favor of the RibbonoShelOlam. the leaders of nazi germany l’havdil, ym’s were also placed there by the will of H’KBH, for His purposes.


    Sam: So Stalin was the right person to lead the USSR? That’s what you are saying.


    I think one needs to focus on the positives of him finally coming home. Make no mistake nothing happens without Hashem’s approval. The list of prisoners required for the swap may look like it’s coming from Hamas, but this is the number that Hashem deemed would be the right one to get the deal done….


    although it is good news, it is sad that people who murdered dozens will be walking freely again. If you ever saw the pictures of the fogel family, realize the shochtim might go free. they said openly that they have no regret and if they would have known there was a baby they would have killed her also etc. people like this should just be killed so they will never have to return them


    HKBH always has K’lal Yisroel’s best interests in mind, regardless of how we see it.


    sam2, most certainly.

    nevertheless we have to base our hishtadlus on the best information we have, guided by the Torah exclusively under the umbrella of our Gedolim.

    am yisrael chai
    doodle jump

    Hodu L’HaShem Ki Tov. Ki L’olam Chasdo:) Baruch HaShem. HaShem always takes care of us. No matter what. Let the goyei ha’amim see how much we value a jewish neshama. I can’t believe it is true. WOW. IY”H Gilad will have Refuas Hanefesh V’guf very soon. Amazing. Two weeks after rosh hashana.


    Sam: Right. Just like Stalin and Hitler were in the best interest of Klal Yisroel (we’ll understand why when Moshiach comes), so too is freeing 1000 terrorists who will murder Jews again.


    I think we all need to THINK POSSITIVE!!! Be happy that a Jewish Neshamah is finally being returned to us! haven’t we all been praying for his release for the past five years??? what happened – now that its happening suddenly you dont think he’s worth it anymore??? and dont forget – Harbeh Sheluchim Lamakom. if C”V an attack is supposed to come, it will come anyway even if we dont release THESE terrorists. and dont get me wrong – of course i dont want these terrorists to be freed, but since i dont exactly have a say in the matter all i can do is deal with it in the most positive way possible: and trust that G-d knows what He is doing!

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