Seasonal National Gratitude Verbalized- My great Mazal

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  • #591911

    When I was born, only one in 16 babies born that day was born in the USA.

    I was one of those babies.

    I was born into a country with good health care, where infant mortality was low, where educational opportunities abounded. I was inoculated against many diseases that other children routinely died of.

    I was taught to read and write the language by excellent, devoted teachers. I studied hard and was given a graduate education in the field of my choice, at a fraction of its real cost.

    I have never lived in fear of my country’s army being turned against me, or of my home being turned into a battleground.

    My father served in WWII, and became sick as a result of the war. He died young, and the country helped support my mother, my brother and me so we wouldn’t become destitute as the result of my father’s death. They continue to help my mother to this very day.

    I lived with religious freedom that is unparalleled in human history. I could practice Judaism any way I wanted, with only a minimum of discrimination.

    I am grateful to my grandparents for risking life and limb to come to this country.

    I am grateful to my father and uncles for defending it.

    I am grateful to my teachers.

    I am grateful to all who have defended freedom of religion.

    How lucky can one baby get, to be born in the USA?

    The Best Bubby

    B’H You are grateful to H’KBH for all that you have! May it slways continue and you should be matzliach I’YH in all that you do.

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