Sensitivity – Mentchlichkite…

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  • #615243
    Little Froggie

    Sorry… this is not one of my regulars.. I join Klal Yisroel in OUR communal deep, gaping sorrow.. Still sorting out my thoughts, feelings, emotions – as, naturally, all of us are doing. ???? ??? ??? ??? ????, we’re all in this together.

    I was not able to join in this most painful procession today, I viewed some photos of it. From one side I see a tremendous outpouring of unity, as so many of us came, joined, participated, inspired and were inspired.

    On the other hand I found it most disconcerting, so disturbing, that at a time like that people (no, not the news crew) vie for the best shot on their iPhones, iPads etc. To try to get the best view “up front” of a person in his worst hour! C’mon people, isn’t that sort of invading.. Kindly let a person breathe.. he needs it most.. He’s actually not really interested right now in making his best appearance… Kindly, if only for the sake of mentchlichkite, respectfully step back..


    Little Froggie: You are 100% correct. That being said, you are late to the party. This photo taking cancer has spread so far and is prevalent everywhere in all situations. (With the thankful exception of Shabbos.)

    This, of course, is an extreme example. But is it any better when rabbonim come throngs of people stick cameras and phones into their faces? Or when there are other solemn events crowds are sticking up their photo-taking electronics rather than bearing the message being conveyed?

    Of course you are correct in fighting it.

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