setting up kiddush during mussuf

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    I go to a shul where they set up the kiddish during mussuf should I switch shuls


    at what point in mussaf? is it a mass of mispallelim or one person setting up? a little more information is necessary.



    A proper kiddush should be too big to set up during mussaf, you want at least during laining, ideally they set up during shacharis

    Oooor they are davening mussaf way too long.

    either way switch

    ☕️coffee addict

    I’ll let commonsaychel answer you 😜


    It depends what they serve for kiddush. Is the food good, at least?


    let me rephrase the question to see the half-full side:
    I go to a shul where they do not start drinking until mussaf is over! and they do not even do it in the shul itself.

    An added bonus: if they were doing this the whole year, you may not need a vaccine, you already probably had a booster also.


    In your opinion, what is the better option?


    PS the core question is – where is the rov during the mussaf, aka kiddush setup. Not just “rov” as in “hakham”, but the majority? if only a few people set up kiddush, then the rest are true tzaddikim that are resisting the temptation, (daf yomi warning) – as Ovadia who lived amonf 2 reshayim.

    R Eliezer Silber talked with a Nazi camp survivor who said that he stopped being observant when he saw a religious Jew who had a siddur, who would charge daily meal ration to let others use the siddur. R Silber replied that did you think about all the other people who would give their last food to daven with that siddur?


    Why does it bother you? In what way are the competing shuls worse than yours that you aren’t sure if you should change?


    Walking out after Kedushah for a davar mitzvah would seem to be mutar. That is why we do it for Birkas Cohanim.


    Who is setting up the Kiddush…………….
    Male members of the shul?
    Female members of the shul?
    Paid employees of the shul?
    The caterer’s staff?

    It makes a difference.


    I think TRUEBT nailed it. If they’re setting it up in the Shul itself during Musaf, though, that is not a good thing at all and should be stopped. But if the Shul is a good place to daven for you, ie good Rov, no talking, good chavershaft, good for your kids, etc, why would you leave?


    I’m happy to see that i’m not the only one bothered by this practice.
    It’s a problem though, when else could they do it? Keep everybody waiting?
    The best would be if somebody spoke then, so nobody would be bored. whoever wants can listen to the drosho, whoever wants can help setiing it up….
    It would also help that we could eat in peace, without anybody making a rumbiling annoying background noise while we eat….


    Seriously speaking, there would be tircha d’tziburah if you don’t set it up on time. Depending on the community, it may decrease shul attendance, and make people come home later, make other family members wait longer. Have less time to sleep or learn on shabbat. So, maybe it is a good thing to do.

    It also seems that the shul is reasonably fast davening, rather than saying piyutim and making announcements. I would NOT want to be in a shul where announcements take so long that it is possible to serve a big kiddush!


    My shul does it before mussaf (I do)


    > My shul does it before mussaf

    Does it make it better for the tanna kama?! How is skipping shaharis better than skipping musaf?

    and it is not better for the connoisseurs – who wants a cold cholent?! And people may daven even faster knowing that the cholent is getting cold.


    I’m all for setting up kiddush after maariv. for then.

    what I’m trying to say is why doesn’t anyone make a night kiddush.


    Participant, in the evening, your family members are waiting at home to fulfill kidush mideoraita, and you will be drinking shnaps in shul? And where women are also in shul, kids are more likely to be in bed at night


    during the winter, then.


    Kiddush at night is part of the service.


    > Kiddush at night is part of the service.

    How is it helping people who are waiting at home?

    There is a story about one of the baalei mussar, who started a complicated class after maariv, until his wife told him “they have wives”. He stopped in the middle of the sentence and dismissed the class.


    indeed, seems like chazal messed up.
    they should have learned mussar.


    > they should have learned mussar.

    They did learn mussar.
    When pointing a particular mussar lesson during Daf Yomi, the Rav referred to a story of someone asking a shailah of R Salanter and getting an unusual Mussar response.

    The person wondered – Kavod HaRav, where is this psak come from?
    – From Gemora
    – from Gemora? I did not see that [that is, person asking question knew whole SH’S – AAQ]
    – It does say so in MY Gemora

    So, you just need to learn with a particular eye

    Specifically, in Shabbos Maariv, we have extra piyutim to make sure that the late-daveners (or long-daveners?) can finish and walk back home together with others.


    so extra piyutim is ok, kiddush is not.


    good question. I presume extra piutim were said by those who finished early, while they are waiting for the rest – otherwise, there is no purpose. People should not leave even without piyutim, it is an aveira to leave someone daven by himself and expose him to dangerous (or improper) travel. Piyutim just help ensure compliance according to my imperfect understanding. For a similar reason, there are mirrors near elevators in high-rise buildings. Waiting for an elevator is a tircha, and people notice it less if they can spend it checking themselves in the mirror. This may be outdated in the time of cellphones.

    Kiddush will be after everyone is finished, unless you are suggesting doing Kiddush while others are finishing.

    Also, I think, your family will feel differntly waiting for you engaging in davening and a mitzva of securing walk for the friends, rather than in drinking and eating while they are waiting, even as you are engaged in a mitzva (that they are waiting for). Not sure about halakhic category here, but it just does not sound right.

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