Severance pay

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    What’s the accepted practice regarding severance pay?


    Just like you are expected to give the company 2 weeks notice before leaving, they are similarly expected to give the employee 2 weeks minimum notice before firing or the equivalent severance pay. It extends both ways.


    And if a company did not do that it they can be frowned upon? Is this accepted in most circles?


    What does frowned upon mean? If an employee quits without giving 2 weeks notice it is not right but the company doesn’t have any legal recourse. The same is true in the reverse if the company stiffs the employee from severance pay.


    What I mean to ask is if this is accepted practice by all professional companies? Does it show a lack of professionalism?


    In my opinion, yes.




    Pay in lieu of notice is not the same as severance pay.

    m in Israel

    Severance pay is not necessarily a matter of “professionalism” or “accepted practice”. It may be a legal/ halachic responsibility depending on the job. If this is a practical question, check to see if your contract has any rights in this regard. Also if it is a clear industry wide standard that may give you rights. (For example in the Yeshivish Chinuch world it is generally accepted to pay one month’s salary for each year that you worked as severance pay for those who have worked at least 3 years before being let go. Bais Din will often enforce this.)

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