Shmos Dvar Torah, With You in Plight

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  • #1935109
    Reb Eliezer

    הבאים מצרימה את יעגב איש וביתו באו, who were coming to Mitzraim with Yaakov, men and his household came. The question the Klei Yokor asks, that the pasuk is contradicting itself, come and came? He answers that they should always see themselves as they are coming now and not get assimilated.
    Maybe, Hashem promises, I will descend with you to Mitzraim and surely bring you up (with me). Asks the Dubner Magid, why by going down Hashem comes first? He answers, it is similar to a father taking his child into the swimming pool or sea where you go first down to protect the child but when comming up, you let the child go up first. The Rabbenu Bacbaya says that. man and his household refers to Hashem and His beis din. So when Yaakov Avinu descended to Mitzraim, Hashem was there already.


    very nice, thank you

    Reb Eliezer


    Sam Klein

    Hashem was already there long before Yaakov went down with his family to mitzrayim. Even longer before Avraham avinu went down when he had a hunger in his days of living.

    Did we all forget the famous honest truth that “HASHEM IS EVERYWHERE”? DID you forget the famous song we all learnt as children? Hashem is up down and all around etc….. In every country and town worldwide including the countries that have no Yidden living there.

    Let’s start realizing immediately that Hashem is in our houses watching us every minute and how we act etc…..

    Reb Eliezer

    We don’t understand it but there is a different concentration of the Shechina. Otherwise, why say עמו אנכי בצרה, Hashem is with us in our plight, when He is everywhere?

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