Should YWN, stop copy and pasting Reuters and AP?

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    joe blow

    In my opinion Reuters and AP have stopped just reporting facts, and also add their own judgments to what are supposed to be “news”. In many cases this contradicts the judgements held, by MOST viewers of this site. For example many of their reports implicitly push, equity based worldviews. For me at least it is annoying to have judgements and values I disagree with, being pushed as news.

    I do understand that it would require more from the staff to rewrite and edit as opposed to copying and pasting but 1 of the reasons that people come to YWN as opposed to msm, is due to assuming that the site won’t put in judgements that they disagree with into the news articles.


    The AP and Reuters are far left-wing opinion sites.

    yaakov doe

    What new source does Mr. Blow consider accurate, unbiased and reliable?


    With the greatest of respect, I’ve found coverage by YWN very patchy in recent months. There is no clear sense of when the sure will be updated and with what type of news.
    A clear guideline of what type of news and frequency of update would be very useful


    Agree with th OP

    ” For example many of their reports implicitly push, equity based worldviews.”

    A website that calls itself “yeshiva” world news should be far more explicit in their call to equity

    joe blow

    I do not want them to copy paste ANY source, without checking for values. I don’t mind them using AP and Reuters so long as they review and edit them as necessary. I do not know of ANY site that is Completely unbiased, nor do I expect to find one ( I don’t believe it to be impossible just unlikely).

    All I dare hope for is for the news parts, (I don’t mind some labeled opinion columns I disagree with.) to not try to push an agenda I dislike.


    Rewrite, edit and publish copyrighted material may be theft and/or violate the copyright laws.
    If YWN wants to do its own reporting fine, but of it subscribes to newswire services, it is not free to change things as you wish.

    Reb Eliezer

    People have brains, They know what to follow and what not.


    Based on all benchmarks , the AP and Reuters are the least biased news sources and it has been that way for decades.

    Trump created a new rule – any piece of news that I don’t like is fake news. Any news that I like – no matter how big a lie it is – is real news.
    That is not the way it works.


    I read ywn for yeshiva world news – news in the Jewish community. If YWN doesn’t want to do their own journalism on national and world news, that’s fine. We can read about that elsewhere. What is the point of copying and parting from far left publications, such low quality articles, I don’t know. If you insist on copying from other sources, can’t they find anything better than ap? They are making their readers cringe!


    Given that YWN probably has a contract to receive those news and it is healthy for the tzibbur to get news about the world and appreciate Yad Hashem everywhere, maybe they should simple edit those “news” to delete “opinions” from them.

    Yukel face

    Agreed 100%


    The far left biases of the AP, Reuters, NY Times, etc is blatant.


    AP, Reuters and sometimes WSJ may have a slant on some stories, but overall, they are far more balanced and objective than the alternatives. For many of us, YWN already puts its editorial “spin” on news articles by the headlines and stock photos they run over the wire service stories. YWN readers have the sophistication to read the articles, know its source, and assess the information provided.
    If you want an echo chamber for your own views while ostensibly hearing alternative perspectives, you can get a dual subscription to the online Hamodia and AlJazeera websites.

    joe blow

    I have seen several times where at the end of an article, it says AP/YWN. In said articles, there is just news. I assume that those articles, were edited by the ywn staff.
    I’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t do that illegally.

    yaakov doe

    Mindful, The AP is not leftist nor a publication but rather a cooperative news service. Members of the Associated Press publish articles from the AP reporters and the AP disseminates articles originating in member news media. An AP article from a newspaper in Moscow or Yardley Pennsylvania may be carried by the AP and is available to all AP members including Yeshiva world and the Daily News


    Republishing AP as is (even without editing out opinions) still serves two purposes:
    * It filters a very large number of news stories to those of likely interest to the “Yeshiva” community.
    * Readers gain exposure to what the wider world is reading, opinions included.


    AP and Reuters contractually permit their subscribers to use their stories with editing, without simply putting that wire story up as is.


    Ctlawyer If YWN wants to do its own reporting fine, but of it subscribes to newswire services, it is not free to change things as you wish.

    A good point. Could they have one font/color for emes, and another for sheker? Yes, we are all working on separating them, but this is mental work that we could avoid. We are all desensitized to sheker unfortunately, and bring it to our own discourse. Sheker sheker tirchok.


    Yes. Jews should distance from the Fake News Industry


    Maybe YWN should stop printing fake fox news reports.
    An example : The headline “Mainstream Media Hit with Brutal Reality Check After Clinton Spying Bombshell”
    The Durham report does not say that the Clinton campaign spied on spied on Donald Trump, both as a candidate and as president.
    The court filing also definitely does not say that the Clinton campaign hired tech executives to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and White House servers in an attempt to create a narrative linking Trump to Russia.
    In fact the word infiltrate is not found in the report at all.

    Maybe YWN should report real news about the Trump Org’s longtime Accounting firm yesterday .
    Former president Donald Trump’s longtime accounting firm informed his company last week that a decade’s worth of Trump’s financial statements “should no longer be relied upon” and suggested that any recipient of the documents be alerted, according to a copy of the letter filed in New York court filings.


    So jackk, what does it say? I was very curious to hear a clarification cuz it seems nobody is responding.

    And what does the rest of your post have to do with anything. Kinda random to throw it in. I hope it wasn’t one of those whatabouts, I never would expect that from you, you seem too knowledgeable to have to resort to that.



    It is not a what about.

    It allows me to inform/discuss news in the CR that YWN refuses to acknowledge. What would you think is the reason his accountant has dropped him like a hot potato? Probably because he lied to them. Why did he lie to them?

    The Durham court filing is publicly available and everyone can read it.
    It is a little complicated to actually explain since it has to do with DNS and other esoteric IT acronyms.
    It also about only one person – Mr. Sussman.
    But it has nothing to do with spying or infiltration.

    All Durham has done in 2 years is indict 2 people for false statements to the FBI and both have pleaded not guilty.
    He has nothing to show to prove anything.
    So he basically is a nothing burger hired by Barr and still doing the work of Trump.
    I bet that Dachenko and Sussman win at trial.


    The real reason that no one other than Fox/OAN/NewsMax are not running the Durham story is that its mainly not a story. Please read his filing to the Court, not what others are speculating his filing MIGHT mean or can be twisted to mean.
    There is no “there” there, even for YWN.



    Fox/OAN/NewsMax are still trying to sell the “LOCK HER UP” and “BUT HER EMAILS” claims after almost 6 years.
    It is very sad that there are still people who believe them.

    It is also ironic and hypocritical that Fox/OAN/NewsMax are not chanting “LOCK HIM UP” and “BUT HIS EMAILS” on DJT who took TOP SECURITY level documents out of the white house.


    jackk – thank you for responding. I will try to access the court filing. Just curious, since I haven’t checked any news sites, did you read this and are speaking from what you saw, or are you giving over what you read on one of your more preferred sites?


    The funniest part of the interview with Trump was where he seemingly acknowledged not having read the Durham filing nor had his lawyers explained it to him but he still insisted it vindicated him entirely (just like the Mueller Report vindicated him by stating they had found 11 possible instances of obstruction of justice on which he could have been indicted but they decided not to make the criminal referrals because of the DOJ policy that a sitting President cannot be criminally charged). The dumb as a doornail Fox host listened to this garbage w/o interrupting him or correcting his false narrative.


    to me the funniest part is that you would believe any one news source over another as if they aren’t all in the same business.


    I will give YWN credit for posting about Trump’s accountant today.

    I read the part of the filing where Fox news built it’s claim of spying from. Not the whole thing.

    My opinion of Durham is my own.


    Jackk – umm, that wasn’t my question at all. You said fox News distorted the facts contained in the court docs which are easily found online. I asked if you know that because you read them, or are you just going with what a different news site told you? Which, as I’m trying to point out, would be no more reliable.
    Your post was written giving the impression that you know fox distorted the contents because you read it yourself. So I was kinda wondering, did you read it yourself?


    jackk, in the spirit of respectful discussion, could you try to summarize the court filing in a non-partisan manner, without omitting something that is not good for your side?

    I did not read the filing, but I read previous documents, and I recall a bunch of serious stuff, like a university using their DARPA-provided IP data to come up with “suspicious” IPs, while one of the researchers explicitly telling all that this is not suspicious; Sussman requesting this “research”, and then taking as a “concerned citizen” to authorities, with also implications that others are aware of what was going on. this is fomr memory and early docs, so maybe you can help us get more details on this.


    Jackk- i apologize for misreading your response.
    I did go to the document you mentioned and it doesn’t seem to match your previous post. (That post does closely match one of the msm articles on it however, but not the court docs.) For the sake of not following either side blindly, you may want to read the documents for yourself.


    Aaq and Syag,

    Can someone post and prove from the original Durham document that Trump was spied upon and infiltrated his network when he was President? After that, I can show how they are mistaken.

    Everyone is saying these things without proof.

    I don’t believe a single word from Fox news.
    Fox listeners demand proof for everything that Trump is accused if, but will believe everything they accuse others of. Like , Hunter, Hillary, Democrats cheated on 2020 , etc…


    Jackk – you used the cnn article to refute the fox article. I told you your CNN article was not on point and if you really were interested in unbiased, or at least accurate info you should read the documents yourself (which was actually your original advice to me. ). Now you say I should go read it and bring you talking points so that you can relay to me how the main stream media teitched up those points.
    I said if you care about what really is in there, read it. If you don’t want to take your own advice, then don’t. But don’t pretend you did, and don’t pretend that by googling the refutations you will have facts. Just politely say, “I don’t actually have enough information to argue, just what heard from msm sources”


    CNN is full of falsehoods.


    Don’t rely on ANY network. Wherever possible, do your own diligence based on source documents. It so easy today to quickly locate and download court filings and decisions, government reports, etc. Don’t rely on any filters…read and decide for yourself.


    jackk, I am currently out of time to read that report. Did I post any claims from it? I quoted some of my previous recollections. You posted
    > The Durham report does not say that the Clinton campaign spied on

    posting “does not say” is a strong statement – presumes you read the whole thing and did not find that claim. So, either confirm that you did that or please go and verify what you posted. And let’s our discussion standards not be affected by media standards (that is what this thread is about).

    I think if we all (not just YWN posters, but the community in general) use “media standards” to approach political problems – be it Trump, Israeli government, Covid, or whatever, we violate “sheker sheker tirhov”. In practical terms, we will soon start (if not started) using same attitude in our Torah learning, Ch’V – and we see this sometimes in our Torah discussions where posters bring “proofs” for their side by using distortions and omissions, rather than true learning attitudes.


    Gadol said it best. Read original documents and speeches, or at least scan. 9 out of 10, their main point is different from what is quoted.



    1) For the sake of discussion, which point that I wrote was not on point? If I am wrong, I will admit it and agree with you.

    2) The court filing is a total of 13 pages. Most of it is made up with legalese.
    It’s purpose is solely in the case of US vs Sussman to inquire into a potential conflict of interest arising from the representation of the defendant by his current counsel , Latham and Watkins LLP.

    This is not an indictment. The indictment of Sussman was only for lying to the FBI .

    3) The other people mentioned in the document – IE. Tech-Executive-1 (AKA former Neustar Senior Vice President Rodney Joffe ) have not been indicted.
    (A spokesperson for Joffe said in a statement, “Contrary to the allegations in this recent filing, Mr. Joffe is an apolitical internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked for a political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP).)

    4) Since Fox news simply lies constantly , I do not know where they see in this document anything about Hillary Clinton spying and infiltrating.
    I am assuming that Fox news is referring to the following few paragraphs which are referring to the non indicted tech executive-1 and not to Sussman.

    5) “The Government’s evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (“EOP”). (Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP. Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.)

    The Indictment further details that on February 9, 2017, the defendant provided an updated set of allegations – including the [Alfa Bank] data and additional allegations relating to Trump – to a second agency of the U.S. government (“Agency-2”). The Government’s evidence at trial will establish that these additional allegations relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic that Tech Executive-1 and others had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment building, the EOP, and the aforementioned healthcare provider. In his meeting with Agency-2, the defendant provided data which he claimed reflected purportedly suspicious DNS lookups by these entities of internet protocol (“IP”) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider (“Russian Phone Provider-1”). The defendant further claimed that these lookups demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations. The Special Counsel’s Office has identified no support for these allegations. Indeed, more complete DNS data that the Special Counsel’s Office obtained from a company that assisted Tech Executive-1 in assembling these allegations reflects that such DNS lookups were far from rare in the United States. For example, the more complete data that Tech Executive-1 and his associates gathered – but did not provide to Agency-2 – reflected that between approximately 2014 and 2017, there were a total of more than 3 million lookups of Russian Phone-Provider-1 IP addresses that originated with U.S.-based IP addresses. Fewer than 1,000 of these lookups originated with IP addresses affiliated with Trump Tower. In addition, the more complete data assembled by Tech Executive-1 and his associates reflected that DNS lookups involving the EOP and Russian Phone Provider-1 began at least as early 2014 (i.e., during the Obama administration and years before Trump took office) – another fact which the allegations omitted.”

    6) I will let fox news explain what DNS lookups are because they obviously have no idea and they assume all their listeners also have no idea.
    7) I will let fox news explain who the EOP is 2016 was.

    8) Durham’s filed a document last week. It says, “[D]efense counsel has presumed the Government’s bad faith and asserts that the Special Counsel’s Office intentionally sought to politicize this case, inflame media coverage, and taint the jury pool,” But He added “[i]f third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated, or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the Government’s Motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the Government’s inclusion of this information.”


    Jackk – You said,”The Durham report does not say that the Clinton campaign spied on spied on Donald Trump, both as a candidate and as president.
    The court filing also definitely does not say that the Clinton campaign hired tech executives to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and White House servers in an attempt to create a narrative linking Trump to Russia.
    In fact the word infiltrate is not found in the report at all.”

    I then asked, “So jackk, what does it say? I was very curious to hear a clarification cuz it seems nobody is responding.”

    to which you responded, “The Durham court filing is publicly available and everyone can read it.
    It is a little complicated to actually explain since it has to do with DNS and other esoteric IT acronyms.
    It also about only one person – Mr. Sussman.
    But it has nothing to do with spying or infiltration.”

    You implied you were using your personal knowledge, NOT mainstream media, to make those claims. Now you admit you didn’t. And on top of that you want ME to tell you what it says so you can respond with what you read online.

    Again – infomation you read from your news sources is no more valid than a fox news report or a coworkers blabbering. Either read the docs and tell us what you saw, or don’t claim to know more than someone else who also watches news clips. That’s all I said, and I think i was pretty straightforward. Honestly, I didn’t expect that you would have presented information you didn’t really know, had I known I wouldn’t have bothered with even asking for clarification.



    I never admitted I didn’t read it. Where did I admit to that?
    How did I know that is publicly available? Because I read parts of it.

    There is a big difference between what everyone said was in the Court document — that Hillary spied on Trump and infiltrated his campaign and while he was in office – and what was actually in the document.

    Anybody going to apologize for relying on fake fox news ? Will Hannity and Tucker et all spend 10 seconds to tell the truth ?

    Syag , I am baffled that I wrote a detailed analysis of the document and even followed up with comments from the writer of the document saying that he is not responsible for all the fake news and all I got from you is ” You admit you never read the document.”
    This is not a discussion.
    Now, where was I not on point ? I do not retract a single thing I wrote. It has all been proven true by the writer of the document himself.



    Just wait for all the texts and information that will come out from the January 6th committee showing Fox news hosts were speaking with Trump before and during the attack on the capitol. They played a major part in the disinformation and are responsible for all the people that have gone and will go to jail because of January 6th.

    Let Trump and his family plead the 5th a million times. Innocent people don’t plead the 5th. (Although they might under advice of counsel.)


    Jackk –
    1) I didn’t read or listen to fox news
    2) i never heard anyone say Hilary spied on trump. I don’t think you did either although you claim it is being said.
    3)You made claims about people believing news reports instead of checking the source. I asked you to explain the source, you responded by quoting news reports, complaining about tucker, fox etc (who I don’t remember bring up) and claiming you did not read the whole report I read the part of the filing where Fox news built it’s claim of spying from. Not the whole thing.

    4)All ive been doing is asking you if you are telling people not to buy in to the media even tho youre are doing it yourself, or if you actually read first hand and came to your own conclusions. Feel free to peruse the above thread for everything you wrote in response – short of an answer to my question. You are hoping to discuss trump instead. I am hoping you will either admit you buy in to your media reports while asking others not to, or desist from doing so.

    I am always hoping for and looking for someone who actually gets to the bottom of things and makes their own opinions. Not just parroting msm or reading fox news cover to cover so they can decide what didn’t happen.



    Just wait for all the texts and information that will come out from the January 6th committee showing Fox news hosts were speaking with Trump before and during the attack on the capitol.”

    sorry to disappoint but I am not sure why you think I would even care. I have not been following any of this anymore (unless something specific sparks my interest and I will ask it be explained/clarified). It has become such an embarrassing joke and there is nothing to follow. If you think the jan 6th committee sounds any less unhinged or insane than trump than you have been sucked in either too far or for too long. News doesn’t exist anymore. It’s all politics and garbage just insulting our intelligence. Both sides have turned into cults and the biden administration has destroyed so much that I not only can’t make ends meet anymore, but I can’t believe so many intelligent people are stupid enough to defend him.

    Please, enjoy the news, enjoy the reports and cheer your team on in their victories, but all I wanted was a clean unbiased opinion on a stupid document and look what got shoved at me instead.
    No offense intended.


    When I need a prime example of Fox news lying , I never have to look far.
    Sara Carter, a Fox new contributor , admitted today to an entirely fictitious tweet about a woman dying after being trampled by a Canadian authority on horseback amid ongoing trucker-led protests.
    Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk and Republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) both amplified her fictitious tweet.


    perhaps she was trampled by a fire extinguisher?


    That the facts don’t fit with the Trumpist narrative doesn’t make them not facts. Jews are supposed to live in reality, not fantasyland.


    “DJT who took TOP SECURITY level documents out of the white house”

    The Trump supporters here hate America and at least some of them hate Israel. You have already cited one area where they are hypocrites; they also whine about BLM rioting but ignore the January 6 insurrection which was far worse. And they ignore the fact that Trump kowtowed to Putin repeatedly, emboldening him in his aggression.



    If you were asking me after I already told you my opinion on the document, then you were not looking for an unbiased opinion.
    I really took the time to answer your questions and delve into the document which was the source of Trump claiming that he was spied upon.

    If you don’t care about the people who took part in an attempt to overthrow an election then why do you care about a matter involving one person lying to the FBI that occurred 6 years ago ?


    I was certainly looking for an unbiased opinion. Once you said you read only the parts you needed for fact checking fox News I realized that request was moot. I did, however, find someone who read it who explained what it actually said,, and recommended you read it so that you yourself would have the bigger picture as well.

    “which was the source of Trump claiming that he was spied upon.”

    Thank you for rewording to more accurately reflect the truth. And that doesn’t mean I’m on trumps side, it means I like accuracy.

    As far as what I care about? I like facts. I like court documents, I like trial transcripts. When there are documents to be read, I try to read them. But cat fights? No thanks.

    And regarding sara Carter versus the disgusting lies about Brian siknik…I can’t believe you even brought it up. You slam someone for false reporting and a retraction. When there has yet to be a retraction, public apology, acknowledgement of the lies by the white house or any of those reporters. Seriously. Do you not get it? Do you really think that if you hate Trump you also have to support the lies about deaths that weren’t verified? What shaichus? Why can’t you be in charge of your own loyalties?? Don’t you see this is just a three ring circus posing as politics and intelligent people can’t seem to find their way out.

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