signed … ?

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    My friends call me T Money so my signature is T$

    Jack Daniels

    hey i didn’t get mine on sale

    ☕️coffee addict


    it should be a pleasure to get yours on sale, shows ur jewish!

    yossi z.

    Onegoal: thanx! ‘Preciate the compliment. Apparently either I didn’t see your post when I gave a suggestion or yours came in while I was still typing mine up. I think your idea is quite swell just with my twist (using alternate parentheses) though you idea does seem to have a spin off of my signature (smileys on either side/cupcakes on either side …)

    How’s this ~{]cupcake[}~ (or she can put yummy in between-her choice after all it is her signature we are discussing. I am correct that YC is a she, right? (I forgot already)

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    yeah she soooo is which guy would want a screen name like that?!?!?!?! its gotta be a she! With some people there is just no question! (kinda like me right? ;-))


    yossi z.

    Candy: True that is one way to deduce things. I don’t know for sure that only a girl would use such a name, after all it is a good cover and guys like cupcakes also, at least I know I do. Though I would assume you are a (teenage) she from the way you post. It also helps that I remember what you said. =D

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    well if i was really lookin to cover myself up i would. I just dont care that much, and not many people really know who i am anyways….


    yossi z.

    True. Now where is yummy cupcake? We need her opinion on this

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Yossi- I need a good, creative, cool, awesome, not girly, original, and clever signature. Got one for me?


    sorry! i’m right here! yes i’m a girl (well, a young lady, so says my grandmother- i guess almost twenty isn’t girl anymore!) yossi z i like ur idea! and whoever asked if you could just call me yummy or cupcake- gladly!



    hey cupcake love the signature!!!! Onegoal you dont need a signature!!!!! *wink wink*



    i can’t take credit it was yz’s idea. but thanx!

    yossi z.

    Onegoal: you want everything don’t you? Lol I will think about it and see what I can come up with. (I realize the first signature(s) came up with were not that great. Sorry). Hey there are other people here, why do I have to do all the work? =D

    Yummy: nice! You worked out getting your full screen name in there! I like! It wasn’t entirely my idea, candy had a big hand in it. All I came up with was how to make a cupcake.

    If you are almost twenty then I assume you are older than me (I turned 19 almost 4 months ago (no I don’t usually calculate these things).

    😀 Zuberman! 😀

    yossi z.

    Onegoal: how’s this? |_ (put something creative or your screen name here between the goal posts) _|

    Alternate goal post: \_ _//

    Maybe: |_I won!_|

    Hmm I am gonna need a bit more time to work on this it isn’t coming out as I would like but at least now perhaps we have something to work with

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    yossi- I like the ideas so far I will have to pick one and you want to know why you have to do all the work? Ha the answer is simple if you can’t figure it out I’ll tell you. It’s because you seem to be the best at it (if anybody wants to argue i’m ready for a fight) and you are very friendly. (I’ll fight about this one too!)

    yossi z.

    Onegoal: *blush* aww thanx! I enjoy designing (from houses to signatures) and I like making people happy. Hey! That just gave me an idea! Maybe I should go into interior design AND carpentry (off topic I know I just had to say it. K back to signatures)

    I would say, depending on what you put between the goal posts would determine which ones you should use. For example if you would use an exclamation point, the slanted ones would probably go better (though I like the slanted ones better myself anyways)

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    in that case, thanks to candy too!

    yossi z- i am older. (wtvr, just in case you were wondering)

    yossi z.

    Not particularly but thanx for confirming my “research” anyway lol

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Thank yossi I think this will be it.


    yossi z.

    Onegoal: I like! And you got your whole screen name in there! (Did I say that to someone already?) Still true though (if you couldn’t tell I think getting the full screen name into the signature is a plus)

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Thanks again yossi! I’m about to start a thread about birthday presents and I think you could help me so check it out! By the way a tip for the signature it works for computer and iPhone but I’m not sure about Blackberry. Write out your signature then copy and after each post just hit paste. Easy as pie!


    yossi z.

    I could copy past on blackberry I just have a lot of things I copy and paste (I use my phone for other things beside the CR believe it or not) so I don’t know that it would help (I could copy until the next time I need to copy though) thanx for the suggestion!

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    No problem I have the same problem sometimes but what I meant it for was when you are in the CR and ONLY the CR for an extended period of time. You probably are never in the CR for extended periods of time when you use your Blackberry you’re probably doing 10 different things at once!


    yossi z.

    Not always. There are days when I am not busy on my phone (not saying I am not busy) depends if I have arrangements to be making or IRL work to be done (I learn with people over e-mail). Who says I am not on for hours at a time I am just not necessarily active all of it 🙂

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Uh oh now I know I’m always being watched by you! haha


    yossi z.

    Yup! While you’re watching the prize I am watching you! Lol

    Though over this coming week I may be less active than usual (meetings to arrange, jobs to find, lessons to prepare, *things* to work out, etc) the workload has grown bigger so I won’t have as much time. 🙁

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Haha well don’t worry I’ll try to fill your post. (if it’s possible)


    yossi z.

    What do you mean, if it is possible? Who made me so great that it is so difficult to help someone out with hashing ideas for a signature? That is all I was doing

    : Zuberman! :/

    yossi z.

    Thank you for offering to help

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    important anouncement: i might be changing from 🙂 to :0) still deciding :0)


    Good one smiley!



    i find this signature trend to be disturbing, they are distracting and unnecessary and ego driven. With the exception of wolf and kapusta.


    Goq- I think you should get a signature you will see it’s not so bad!


    yossi z.

    Goq: ego driven? Seriously? Where do you see anything being ego driven about the signatures?

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    The Goq, was that a compliment? I’m taking it as a freebie.



    my :0)s are egotistical? i put them there to make other people happy :0)



    ☕️coffee addict

    do what itsonlyme

    yossi z.

    Itsonlyme: how may we be of help?

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    yes i think its ego driven you want people to remember your posts so u sign off even though u already have a name and in many cases a subtitle u feel the need to leave your mark


    maybe on his thread “is it right…” or s/thng like that

    yossi z.

    Goq: So then why does this not apply to kapusta and wolfish? Because they have been doing it forever? (no offense to you guys) For your information that is not why I started this thread nor is it why I have a signature. I started the thread and have a signature because I thought it would be fun, and not for people to remember my posts, for frankly I don’t care whether they do or not. You are assuming that is why we have signatures, because we want people to remember our posts. Who’s says? Why are you jumping to conclusions?

    For this discussion I will be considerate of you (I really don’t know why) and leave out my signature


    dear yossi perhaps i went to far i should not have assumed its ego driven i apologize.

    yossi z.

    Apology accepted. I am sorry for jumping on your back like that


    😀 Zuberman 😀 (much nicer to have so many smiles around no?)

    Shticky Guy

    yossi z. dont let The Goq get to you. He can sometimes be a bit ‘spaced out’… :~}

    Goq it was very gracious of you to apologise


    we’re cool yossi, i dont know why i went so harsh ill just chalk the whole trend up to youthful exuberance be well

    ☕️coffee addict

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 😉

    :p> mbachur <d:

    i think i like this one better so i can stick out my tongue to other people

    <d: mbachur :p>

    yossi z.

    Mbachur: the issue I find with that is, the “beards” then don’t fit in. You did give me some more much needed lolz though 🙂

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    ty shticky had to be done

    yossi z.

    100 posts!

    😀 Zuberman! 😀

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