Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come

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    Reb Eliezer

    The Klei Yakar in his sefer Olalos Ephraim gives us a mashel. A king sends his servants overseas. He entrusts them with a big vineyard to work on which needs team work. Recognizing that they will not see results soon, he also gives them some small vineyards to support themselves. The servants realizing that they can see results from them right away without team work, give up on the working of the big vineyards which get destroyed. The King proclaims two edicts. One, once a year the servants have to live in the big vineyard thereby come to see its destruction which might encourage them to work on it. Two, he gives them a symbolism emphasizing the importance of team work.
    The nimshal is, Hashem sends us down to this world, earth. He entrust us to work for Olam Haboh, the next world to come by giving us mitzvos to do that require team work to fulfil. He also gives us a living to support ourselves. To remind us about the next world to come, once a year He wants us to live our house and go into the sukkah, our spirital house the working towards olam haboh, is crumbling. He also give a symbolism, lulav and esrug, to remind us on the importance of team work.

    Reb Eliezer

    This mashel above is based on the pasuk in Shir Hashirim (1,6)
    כרמי שלי לא נטרתי, I have not protected my big vineyard by woking on it in order it should not get destroyed. I put the emphasis on my physical well being, the small vineyard, over my spiritual, the big vineyard.

    Reb Eliezer

    The grammar above should be, He entrusts us to work on Olam Haboh and He also gives a symbolism.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Targym Yonasan on Shemini Atzeres parshes Pinchos says that we are happy to leave the sukkah and go back to the house. The sukkah is the midbor and the house EY. Maybe the sykkah is a lesson fir the whole year’s behavuor by giving up extras using the ishpusin whivh we don’t have on Pesach, so Shemini Atzeres is graduation.


    Beitzah 25 proves from a piece of raw meat from a hospitalized cow that we are not allowed to eat at the end of yom tov – that derech eretz is from the Torah and, in general, Hashem gave us Torah so that oterwise, Jews with their azut will not give space to other nations to live.

    A fitting food for thought for Simchat Torah and a l’chaim for an increasing derech eretz on this site.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Midrash says for Shemini Atzeres עשה לי סעודה קטנה make Me a small meal. Explains the Binah Leitim, Succos we sacrifice all the oxen against the umas haolom, for all other nations. When we have a big meal, we tend to be busy with the food but by a small meal the showing of comraderie and friendship becomes more important. Regarding the goyim, Hashem kavayachel is busy with food rather than show any love and friendship towards them but by the Jews, the sacrifice is small to be able to spend time of love with us.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Gra explains והיית אך שמח refers to the last day of Yom Tov when mitzvos (sukkah, lulav and esrug) are not required to stimulate us outside the Torah which brings simcha by itself so they are diminished through only simcha.

    Reb Eliezer


    Sam Klein

    Why don’t we all remind ourselves that the temporary physical world we are all currently in is only temporary and physical with a mission for each person to complete and accomplish and the real world is above and if we all remember this and keep this in mind then we will be more focused on completing our mission so we can serve Hashem face to face in the true world above.

    Hashem is waiting for each and every single one of us to complete our mission in this temporary physical world so we can be personally greeted with spiritual love and welcomed into the true world above.

    Reb Eliezer

    Sam Klein, try to avoid run on sentences as it is hard to understand.

    Reb Eliezer

    The five days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos creates a preparation for our elevation from love towards Hashem. As the holy Berdichever explains that the esrug is taken on the first day of our accounting of our sins, since our teshuva now is done from love, thereby our sins turn to good deeds.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Midrash says that because Avraham Avinu rested the three malachim under the three we were rewarded with the mitzva of Sukkah. The Ksav Sofer explains that the sukkah reflects the hashgacha and protection of Hashem, tzelah dehamnisa, shadow from above. When being in a temporary dwelling we are protected from the rain, sun as the tree needs sun and water to grow from above and people are protec6ed by the tree.

    Menachem Shmei

    The possuk says about Yaakov, “ויבן לו בית ולמקנהו עשה סוכות”

    Chassidus explains that לו – for himself (i.e. his neshama), Yaakov built בית – permanent structures.
    למקנהו – for his physical needs, he made סוכות, temporary dwellings, since everything in this world is only temporary.

    (ראה לקוטי שיחות ח”א ע’ 68)

    Reb Eliezer

    There is an argument in the gemora if the sukkah should be a keva, permanent structure or arai, temporary. We pasken like Rava to be temporary. This might be dependent on the reason for sukkah. If it reminds us that the world is temporary, should be arai however, if to keep olam haba in mind, keva.
    Even if we pasken to be temporary, it must have some permanence to be a able to stand in a ruach metzuyah, in a normal wind.

    Reb Eliezer

    We should always follow the middle way. Extremes are not recommended.

    Reb Eliezer


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