“Super Lomdus”

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    What is “super lomdus”? Lakewood yungeleit talk about this. Thanks in advance.


    Deep inside gemara learning seder with lots of meforshim also included

    Shimon Nodel

    When your chavrusa’s brain is more tuna melt than svara, he attains the incredible gift of super lomdus to learn the sugya in more creative ways than a made up purim genara


    you seem to have a fixation on yeshivish rayd


    A Super Shteiger, by definition, is engaged in Super Lomdus as distinct from some pedestrian shteiger who can only aspire to this exhalted level of lomdus while immersed in his pedestrian chazarah of shor sh’nagach shor. There are several Chareidi weekly publications that publish updated Super Shteiger scorecards in lieu of MLB rankings.


    Its a power that you get if bitten by a radioactive Birchas Shmuel

    Yabia Omer

    In the words of a well-known Talmid Chochom. Lomdus is hebel varik. The student builds and destroys, builds and destroys.



    That sounds like the gemara’s definition of Rabbi Akiva. Oiker harim vetoichnan zu bezu besvoroh. Was he hevel or rik? Im reik hu michem hu’


    Super lomdus is trying to understand the topic through the the most abstract point that the student can fathom.


    it is reden in lernin while munching on a supersized portion of fries.


    Sounds like a bunch of people not capable of getting it throwing mud at people who do out of a sense of jealousy that they missed the boat and compensating for their ignorance. Let’s take down people who get what we don’t so we don’t have to feel that we’re lacking anything.

    Yabia Omer

    Let’s suppose they are Super Lomdus learners. Do they know the tachles? The Halacha?


    1. a building superintendent in a Lakewood apartment Building is a Super Lamdan.
    2. Two overweight kollel guys arguing in learning as supersized lamdonim.

    wise nugget

    learning torah laasukei shmaittsa aliba dehilchisa is the highest level of learning but saying that thats the only tachlis is wrong. rav aharon kotler and all virtually all rshei yeshivos pushed everyone to learn torah just to understand the gemara well and in depth. this is just a bunch of people who never understood anything in yeshiva and probly think its fake because it all flew over their heads

    Todros Gimpel

    Is krumkeit a din in the gavra or a din in the cheftzah?
    Even if it is in the gavra, is it in the cheftzah of the gavra or is it in their etzem sheim gavrah?
    והיד עוד נטויה…


    Dear Yabia,

    There you go again, just asking for something else. Like saying that the tachlis is knowing halacha. I would honestly like to know your perspective.

    get it straight

    this is such a stupid topic. theres no such thing as super lomdus. the question is if you understand in full depth what you are learning or you just understand it superficially. theres different levels of learning. each person has their own level of understanding. if you understand something on a deeper level that is not super lomdus, that just means you are a deep thinker. this is just a stupid label that people that cannot think for more than 5 seconds put on people that can actually use their mind. instead you should look up to people that can take apart a sugya so deeply not be jealous and put them down.

    habachur hachashuv

    come to lakewood sit here for a seder or two and you wont have any questions.


    @habucher, a/k/a sockpuppet Bain hazamin is over, go back to real life.

    @get it straight, yes there is such a thing as super lomdos, any building super in lakewood is a super and the building is full lamdin so the super is a super lamdin


    Dear Getit,

    There is no deeper understanding in super lumdos. If you can outthink super lomdus, you will realize that all it does is break apart a sugya beyond any comprehension. I t is very deep thinking. With shallow Torah.


    the real meaning, Elal decided to change the frequent flyer club name from matmid to lomdus in order to attract more Yeshivaliet, the higher level of club would be called super lomdus.

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