tallis over head

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    What’s the source for those who are noheig to wear their tallis over their head for all of davening, and for certain parts of davening?


    Sorry to go off the op’s topic for a moment but tallis wearers please be aware that when you wrap yourself in your tallis the tzitzis swing around and can strike people in the face this has happened to me a gazillion times and it can be very painful please try to be considerate of your fellow davener perhaps move out into the aisle if you feel you need to swing your tallis around at full speed. Yes I am being serious.


    For certain parts: atifah for davar shebekedusha (borchu, kadish, kedusha(

    Rav Tuv

    S”A O”C 8:2 and see MB 4

    Think first

    Mishna brura says it helps ur yiras shomayim too


    Just an interesting note: I have seen Gedolei Yisrael remove the tallis from their head during krias hatorah. There are reasons al pi kabbala which I will not go into here.


    Laziness. It shoud be worn over the head the whole davening, just like a hat is.


    real-brisker and longarekel. in the chasidish world, many people take the talis off their heads, and wear their streimelach for leining.


    I was talking about the olam who doesn’t wear hats. Obviously they don’t believe that you need a second head covering for davening (and there is basis for that view). Yet some still wear the talis over their head for devarism shebakedushah during Shacharis and others the entire Shacharis, while wearing nothing on their head (other than a kippah) for Minchah and Ma’ariv.


    Goq: Do something that will necessitate you wearing a talis. Then, instead of getting mad, you can get even. 🙂


    Hershi i wear a tallis almost never i am an unmarried ashkenazi

    but i like the getting even part 🙂


    I was talking about the olam who doesn’t wear hats. Obviously they don’t believe that you need a second head covering for davening (and there is basis for that view). Yet some still wear the talis over their head for devarism shebakedushah during Shacharis and others the entire Shacharis, while wearing nothing on their head (other than a kippah) for Minchah and Ma’ariv.

    I do this, to honor the Rav of the shule where I grew up and davened until after I married. Although it was a small shule, and not in the main frum area of the city, most of the kids who were brought up there are frum today, across the spectrum – from chareidi to yeshivish to MO. Although I don’t wear a hat, I do cover my head with my talit during most of shacharit – i made it my minhag, to follow the example of that particular Rav.


    The seforim write that “Al tashlichenu leis ziknah” that by never wearing the tallis off of the head, it’s a segula for arichas yomim.


    I think I once saw from Reb Chaim Vittal that if you don’t wear it over the head it is a Bracha Levatala.


    GOQ: ok OFF TOPIC but I am sephardic and I just laughed so hard from your post!! you are so right and so many rabanim talk about people swinging their taletim over at maximum speed and say how people must realize not to slice the person behind hem! I also get annoyed when people don’t have consideration for others around them and hurt others with their taletim. I make sure not to throw my talet around my body fast and look around…One less person to worry about 🙂 You brought up a very good point! GOod Job!!


    According to rav ovadia, the reason is because when you have your tallit over your shoulders it is the same as wearing a tallit katan, but when you have it also covering your head that is more like “ituf” (wrapping)


    Ari z”l says one should wear it that way the whole davening. Hat is also called a covering

    Shtreimel by Laining may be that Shtreimel is malchus and one dons malchus clothing for event reminicent of Kabbolas HaTorah as we became a “princely nation” then.


    Thank you very much dhl your comments brought a smile to my face.

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