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    Does anyone use this feature ever?

    I just recited Birchas Hamazon on my Ipad!



    yup! have a siddur, tehillim, 5 Chumachim, and kashrus food check kinda thing on my ipod! It’s great!


    I do have to add though, that although it is great in some ways, maybe for birchas hamazon, tefilas haderech, ect… I see sometimes at weddings that there will be a minyan and a good percentage of the guys davening will be using an ipod or blackberry! I do not like this AT ALL!!!!! i mean i think there is a line that is being crossed like there is a certain something to actually holding and turning the pages to the siddur in your hand! I dont know maybe i’m being a little judgmental, anyone else feel that way?


    candy, I think it’s better they read it from something than say it by heart which I see many guys doing these days.


    well ya that’s like for bentching and things like that… but davening??? shacharis? mincha? maariv?? from an ipod or phone??? people can carry little mincha maariv booklets that can fit in your pocket… I mean what did they do before they had their ipod?



    You are right, there is “a certain something to actually holding and turning the pages to the siddur in your hand”.

    When I take time during the day to check in with The Boss I not only wouldn’t use my phone, but I shut the sound off so I won’t be interupted. (And I don’t put it on vibrate either, because I can not afford to be distracted while I’m talking to Him.)

    YW Moderator-42

    Why should someone carry a mincha-maariv with them when they have a blackberry/iphone/etc that they can daven from?

    With the little mincha/maariv’s you have to worry about bringing them into bathrooms etc. Phones are a lot easier. And it’s the same davening they are reading from the phone then from the printed siddur so what’s the problem? (They should turn off the network though so that they don’t get calls while trying to daven)

    cell alert

    If you daven from a phone or a ipad/iphone, there is no way to kiss your siddur when you finish davening from it.

    I do not think its a smart idea.


    I like the Shemone Esrei page on my siddur, and certain pages in my tehillem where they are creased from years of use and some spots are discolored from an occasional tear. Can’t get that on the screen.


    Where can I download the app for the siddur/bencher from? Can’t wait to use this great feature……I’m always in need of a bencher when I don’t have one!!!


    Obviously we still use siddurim. These PDFs are for times when we don’t have Siddurim on hand.


    ” I mean what did they do before they had their ipod?”

    Do you think they didnt daven before there was printed sidurim, when the first sidurim started rolling off Guttenburgs presses some 500 years ago do you think people complained that a sidur is not approproate for davening, one should use a scroll?…


    candy i also feel the same way,

    one time i asked to use someone’s blackberry to pray mincha and it was horrible! its so much more meaningful(for me) with a siddur, that i can actually hold close to me and turn pages and see explanations for the words…

    also i made a mistake once, by thinking that someone was texting while praying but they were really just praying from their phone! but do u think it could be considered maris ayin?

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