Thank You HaShem for…

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  • #614671
    A nony mouse

    Thanking HaShem 1000’s of times daily for every possible thing, occurence, encounter, success, achievement, feeling etc might help us see and realize how much we truly have to be grateful for and and appreciate many of our challenges as opportunities to grow

    What did YOU thank HaShem for today?

    ☕️coffee addict

    why was my post blocked?


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    For everything in my life, whether I perceive it as good or bad. The good, helps me to be an appreciative person, and to have enjoyment of my life. The bad,helps me to appreciate the good even more. Both aspects help me to grow and to take NOTHING for granted.


    Coffee, your post was deleted, not blocked.


    “…kosher pizza and for creating swimming pools. thank you for latkes and for patchkes, and for snowstorms that keeps us home from school”


    on a more serious note, i thank the bori olom for every single thing that happened/is happening/will happen to me and to all. i am eternally grateful and in debt to HBKH, and i appreciate all the good He does to me.

    Sam Klein

    the two books of 1)my father my king by Rabbi zelig pliskin & 2)NEW BOOK called let there be rain by Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein can help you stop taking things for granted (although its human nature) & be appreciative & thankful to Hashem for everything he gives us 24-7

    Sam Klein

    a true story that occurred to me that can help you change & not take things for granted IN LESS THEN 1 HOUR (versus taking days to change)

    May we all be thankful from our full hearts to Hashem for EVERYTHING we get 24-7


    Let’s use the following terminology in future:

    “rejected” – Post never made public.

    (That’s what he meant by “blocked.”)

    “deleted” – Post made public, then removed.

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