Thanks to Hatzolah

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  • #588018
    Y.W. Editor

    Submitted to YWN via email:

    Dear YWN,

    I know you get many letters about the wonderful organization Hatzoloh but this is a little different. About 3 months ago I was on vacation with my wife and kids. On this vacation I had a terrible accident and needless to say needed to be transported from the scene to the hospital by an ambulance. The paramedics and fire department were on scene within 5 minutes and were extremely courteous. the length of the ride was 5 miles, and I did receive medication and other services.


    I just found this thread and wanted to emphasize the point here.. I was hit by a car when I was 15 years old. The first to show up was Hatzolah, second was the FDNY, third was the NYPD, and finally, the city ambulance (too late to do any good). The Hatzolah guys were amazing and I can’t thank them enough. Not only were they good in what they did, but they were just plain nice and calming to a freaked out teen laying in middle of the street. THANK YOU HATZOLAH FOR EVERYTHING!!!


    Fell off my bike in muslim/arab land on ditmas and coney, my hand was out of shape, totally bent because both bones had totally cracked in half above my wrist. Hatzolah arrived within 45 seconds of the call


    wow, mky! Hope all is well now and you can type away!

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