We are lucky to live during a time of great thirst for Torah learning & avoidance of secular venues. This has created huge mega yeshivos containing thousands of bochurim & yungeleit.
I would like to point out some of the downsides to this phenomena with the hope that smaller yeshivos & kollelim can be developed.
A. There’s little rebbi/talmid kesher possible in huge botei medresh & people feel all on their own.
B. Talmidim learning in one room remain as strangers to each other, it’s simply too difficult becoming one cohesive group of hundreds of people.
C. There’s a lack of personal accountability when there’s no noticeable difference in the room whether you’re there or not, you’re always just one of several hundred.
I have noticed that those opting for smaller yeshivos & kollelim seem happier & more on time to sedarim