The Jews Control The Weather…

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  • #2228795
    Little Froggie

    That’s it! Confirmed! Anyone in the Tri-State area can attest to that.

    We had such a beautiful Yom Tov despite all the weather warnings.
    Firstly it stopped raining just when the time to begin seudos on Friday night. Than it drizzled a bit in the early morning – to wake us up to go to early to Shul. Then it continued to rain – until it was time for seudos again (after some learning time after shul). Then again (kid you not) a bit of a sprinkling between the Shabbos seudos.

    If rain on Succos is considered a bad omen, as if HaShem does not want our mitzvhos, and that is particular to Eretz Yisroel where it does not rain in this season (according to some / most poskim), how much more is our siman Bracha, where it does rain often, when we’re right in the middle of a Mabul, and HaShem stops it JUST TO ALLOW US TO DO HIS MITZVHOS!!!

    Yes! HaShem (for the Jews) controls the weather!


    Can you imagine the nachas that the RBS”O had from us Yidden that He stopped the rains just in time for us to be mekayem the Mitzvah Sukkos with Simcha
    It was ahava delivered on a silver platter


    If we all do Tshuvah, next year the Yidden controlling the weather might consider holding off on the Mabul before all the beautifully decorated succos become totally waterlogged. A wonderful seudah is best enjoyed w/o the kids’ decorations dropping down from the schach in your face while looking at what were once posters of gedolim which now all look like some psychedelic Rorschach inkblot test.


    It’s all due to Global Warming. The New York Times has paskened anything unanticipated, unexpected, out of the ordinary or simply unpredicted is blamed on their Great Satan known as Climate Change.

    Now you know that Climate Change is a good thing.

    L’Chaim for more Global Warming!

    ☕️coffee addict

    So little froggie we don’t control the weather (as your title says) Hashem does

    What’s the chiddush?

    Little Froggie

    CA: That’s in reference to the antisemitic trope “the Jews control the world/ media/ market/ political arena /weather”

    ☕️coffee addict


    Either that or get tarp to put over your sukkah until it stops raining


    CA: I’d rather do tshuvah than rely on a tarp to stay dry.


    Being able to fulfill the missva of sukkah is a big zechut. Apparently not everyone had the zechut this year. Hashem set it up so that some people got to do it, and some didn’t…

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