The light of Chanukah

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    While I was holding the havdalah candle this Motzai Shabbos, I thought, If you look at a candle, any candle, you’ll see that the bottom of the flame is solid, burning strong and bright. But

    as it makes its way up, the flame dances back and forth, never stopping until

    you put it out. This flame is the Jewish neshama. The strong, solid part of the

    flame is our Eloka Mimaal. There is a piece of Hashem in each of us that is

    ALWAYS burning, whether you or not you feel it. Sometimes we feel it, other

    times we don’t, but it NEVER goes out. It is up to each one of us to kindle that

    flame, to strengthen it and make it move like the top of the flame on a candle,

    dancing with every ounce of koach it has.

    You know how you walk out of a shuir, or yom kippur davening, or after working hard on yourself in avodas Hashem, and you

    feel “on fire”? Or if you see a Tzadik saying a bracha and you get that feeling

    that his neshama is mamesh “on fire”? THAT is what YOU can accomplish on

    Chanukah! Chanukah has the koach of being lmaalah min hateva! Beyond the

    confines of nature! You can step up and rise up that flame, to raise up your

    neshama, and burn with ahavas Hashem, Yiras Hashem, Torah, simcha, ahava, and to

    dance with all of the energy you have build up in your holy neshama! You can

    mamesh GLOW and be LIT up with kedusha! The world tries to put us out just like

    the yevanim (greeks) tried to do, but YOUR flame can never, ever die out because

    that piece of Hashem is ALWAYS inside of you! Embrace that light! Raise it up

    this Chanukah! And you will see nissim!


    Beautiful!! Thanks for the inspiration!!


    Wow! Thank you so much for those inspirational words!


    Emunas Itecha +1 ?


    Wow, that was such a nice thought!! Do you write for Mishpacha or Binah magazines? you should at least have a blog with your talent, you’re reeealy good!!


    That is so powerful! Are you related to MiddlePath?! 😉


    Emunas, thanks for this beautiful piece! You have given me a new appreciation for the lighting of the menorah. I really love everything you write here, it’s so inspiring!

    miritchka, thanks, that’s a huge compliment because Emunas is clearly an amazing person! But I don’t think we’re related.



    ever wonder how people stare at fire. it can be the neiros chanuka, a fire place, a bon fire, but for some reason we’re attracted to it, and can stare at it for hours. i know i do.


    BaalHabooze: Thank you so much. No, I do not write for any magazine, but I do have a facebook (gasp!)that I share my thoughts on.

    miritchka: Thank you! I am not related to MiddlePath, but he definitely has an amazing talent for putting his heart on paper.

    MiddlePath: I am waiting to see more pieces from you! Thank you for the compliment!

    Tzaddiq: There is definitely something powerful about fire. Maybe its because a neshama is compared to a flame. I learned once (I think in Lekutai Moharan, but im not positive) That the flame has four colors. Each color is kneged the name of Hashem.


    Thanks, Emunas! I actually put up a new thread a few hours ago called “Faith and Positiveness”. Hope you enjoy it!

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