The “New Normal” for Shul During the Yamim Noraim

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    We follow the law and Executive orders issued by our Governor in CT. #7TT

    At this point a shul can only be at 25% of capacity or a MAXIMUM of 100, whichever number is smaller.
    Outside gatherings have a maximum of 150 people.

    Our shul has 300 seats, so a maximum of 75 people could be at Yomim Noraim services.
    Thus, our BOD met and announced that no tickets will be sold or made available to non-members this year (including relatives of members).
    All members must let the shul know by August 13 if they intend to use a ticket/seat this year.
    A shul cannot hold additional services in the social hall, Beis Medrash, auditorium, etc. They are considered one place as they attendees may use a common lobby, coat rooms, rest rooms, etc.

    If There is proven to be more need by the August reply deadline, the local firehouse closest to the shul has offered their hall at no charge for our use.

    We will hold our own services at the CTL compound, setting up outdoors under a canopy with a wooden floor. We expect to be about below the 150 outdoor limit, and can accommodate some of the shul’s overflow if need be. The health department has ruled that we may not use tents with walls as then it would constitute an indoor space with the lower capacity limitations.

    Again, all can change as restrictions ease up, but shuls have to make decisions by a date certain. Unlike the articles we read in YWN about shuls and yeahivos ignoring the laws/regulations, we’ll follow them


    @yehudayona, Actually the head of infectious diseases for Montefiore [ a major teaching hospital vs a community hospital] disputes Dr. Glatt opinion.


    CS, could you give us pointer to the Montefiore doctor’s psak?


    The head of infectious diseases at Montefiore in Dr. Liise-anne Pirofsky. She has been in the news regarding her research in the use of antibody-containing plasma to help COVID patients. All I can find that’s relevant to this discussion is quite dated, but here it is: “Having antibodies is not a license to stop the mitigation guidelines and rules that are in effect in many states,” she said. “Having any antibody is not a license today, on April 24, to break with that policy.”


    It is worth repeating, that anyone with symptoms (Even the Rosh Yeshivah.) must daven at home for yomim noraim.


    Still waiting for commonsaychel to bring proof that “the head of infectious diseases for Montefiore … disputes Dr. Glatt opinion.”


    N0mesorah: and your psak is based on whom?

    Avi K

    According to the Jerusalem Post a group of researchers from several universities including the Technion have a solution. “Based on previous studies showing a stronger likelihood of virus transmission indoors, the scientists suggest that fluorescent lamps, microcavity plasmas and LEDs inside ventilation systems can be effective at deactivating both airborne and surface-deposited strains of COVID-19.
    On this basis, the team argues that investing a few billion dollars in such a technology in the form of UV-C sources can help protect billions of indoor workers worldwide.
    Similarly, the deployment of UV light, according to the group, can lead to a return to routine activities such as working at the office, going to school and attending entertainment events. ”

    UV-C is already being used by the Maayanei haYeshua hospital in Bnei Beraq. Obviously, this would be the solution for minyaniim of any size.


    The problem with any air filtration solution is that the droplets of the person who sneezed on you won’t get to the air system before they spread the virus. That’s why the Arizona church that’s hosting the Trump rally had to back off their claim that their system eliminates 99% of the virus.


    Dear Lower,
    This is basic shmiras hanefesh. I could look into it, if you want sources. But I am surprised that it could be controversial. Anybody else thought I over stated the truth?

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