There’s Nothing Moderate About the Democrat Party

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    There are loud Hamas supporters and quiet ones. Schumer and Blinken can ask go to H for being traitors to the Jewish people. Antizionism is antisemitism. You’re either with Israel or Hamas; there are no Palestinian Innocent civilians. Any Jew who voted Democrat has Jewish blood on his hands.


    All large political parties have multiple factions. The only anti-Semitic faction of the Democrats is the “Progressive” (a.k.a. “woke) faction, which for the most part is supporting Hamas’s demand for genocide of Jews. The question is whether this faction is in control of the Democratic party, or whether they are “nut cases” who will be ditched.

    The Republican party has factions whose views are offensive to many people including us, though for the most part they have kicked them out (e.g. when a KKK “wizard” managed to emerge from the primaries as the Republican candidate for Senate in Louisiana, and party leaders urged their voters not to vote for him).

    In all fairness for Biden and his ilk, the “great game” they are playing involves keeping Iran’s “team” for defeating Israel, but without hurting Iran in a meaningful way as that would alienate Muslims in many countries, whose support the United States needs for the upcoming World War III with China and Russia (both of whom are allied with Iran) – and domestically, to win, Biden needs both the “Progressive” anti-Semitic wing, as well as the establishment wing that is heavily dependent of the secular Jewish voters.


    The kkk is not the threat of the day.


    In the past few cycles the progressive wing always takes over the center. This is what allowed a Marxist islamist anti American like Obama to be nominated and for BLM and trans activists to run the party now.


    Jackk doing the good work by calling out Lakewhut doing the good work in changing hearts and minds on YWN.


    741 ,
    Are you a prophet?


    Lakewhut: Why don’t you tell us what you really think about yidden who vote for Dems….you seem to start a new thread every week or so with the same mindless rants about how Dems are responsible for all the evils befalling EY, voting for Dems guarantees you will lose your chelek of olam haboh and that only the Orange XXXX can save us from annihilation.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I remember 4-8 years ago the dems on this site used to say that about us who voted for “the orange man” and how we’re all going to gehennom, weekly

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