Those guilty in SNL bloodlibel “joke”

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    Dov Hikind:

    Unsurprising coming from SNL as they have a long record of antisemitism

    But Michael Che or whoever wrote that “joke” is obviously also ignorant of fact that Israel has Arab citizens who’ve received the vaccine according to the same qualifications as Jews!

    @nbcsnl is the joke!

    On the guilty bench:
    Not just racist Arab propaganda….who, since holocaust-deniar radical Arab fascist Issa Nakhleh tried to “racialise” Israel, worked with neo nazis in the 1960 through the 1980s and pushed this idea of “non-jews” vs israel… but also b’Tselem propagandist makes as supposed “human rights” org. that pushed this narrative …last month.
    I bet, most Americans don’t even know that simple facts about equal rights not just about vaccination…but even and high representation in knesset and high position by Arabs in democratic Israel… and preferential treatment to Arabs in Israeli courts especially in land cases…while even “moderate” PA already pledged [July, 2013] not to have a single Jew in it’s ethnic cleansed Arab “palestine” envisioned “state”.


    Sadly so.

    Regarding preferential treatment for Arabs, I suggest searching at:



    Imra, Israel

    Mida, Israel


    I don’t understand the outrage about this joke. SNL thrives on making edgy jokes. This same comedy set had a joke about the new mars rover running a white supremacist twitter account, cuomo covering up nursing home deaths, and inappropriate conduct by catholic priests. It is highly unlikely that Michael Che made this particular joke because he really hates Jews or anything like that.


    NOYB, the issue isn’t even that much if Che is a racist.. it is about the dangerous push for old despicable tropes. Anti Jewish bigoted fantasies is especially sensitive, given history.


    Didn’t they make another racist (anti-Semitic) joke just a month or two ago with another fake “newscaster”? I figure we have to look at who SNL’s main audience is.
    Either way, people get fired for a lot less. Just when it’s against anybody else. Against Jews? Free pass.

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