trump, trump, trump, go trump!

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    trump for president!!!

    whos with me! (mi la`hatrump elai!…lol)


    A new poll today shows Bernie Sanders has gotten ahead of H. Clinton among likely voters in the New Hampshire Democratic primary.

    Perhaps it’ll be Trump vs. Sanders!


    if it’ll be Trump vs. Sanders, I think I’ll have to move.



    Can I ask you what you like about Trump? (Unless you weren’t being serious.)


    may donald trump win the elections… ken yehi ratzon!


    Scared Driver after 7 years of Obama, Trump vs. Sanders is going to make you move?!


    technical20: He says it like it is.

    not shy at all

    not scared of nobody

    “plans” to give america its original status

    not for gay marriage

    religious man

    big ego wich helps him not take garbage from anyone

    keeps to his goal without being swayed

    isis hater

    pro israel



    He’s not scared of anybody? That’s a bad thing. We don’t need a reckless president. Big ego? He’ll never take garbage or good advice from anyone, and he doesn’t know everything. There are some things he’ll need to learn from others, but he won’t because of his big ego. Hating ISIS accomplishes nothing. I can hate them just as well as he can, but hate still doesn’t help. We need strategy.



    “Saying it like it is” and “bashing everyone and everything” are two different things.

    The Fox moderators asked him some questions that he had no answers for other than attacking and bluster. As a woman, I find him offensive.

    Would you want a president who might fly off the handle at any given second? Is that who you want in charge of American nuclear power?


    I am for Trump or Cruz. It’s obvious why anyone would be for Cruz. I’m for Trump because he embraces his policies and doesn’t back down. He’d kill Hillary in a debate. He admits he used to be more liberal but he’s changed his ways like Reagan. Also I love how whenever a candidate comes after him, he says they came running to him for donations. He’s a billionaire and can’t be bought by lobbyists. Trump or Cruz are the best thing that can happen to this country right now.


    It is not chivalrous to kill ladies in debate.


    “plans” to give america its original status

    What, as a colony? To be honest, I’m not sure we’ll take you back, not fter the mess you made of the place. Maybe if you ask nicely.


    America’s original status is not as a colony. It existed long before it was colonized.


    I think Dvash meant give it back to the Native Americans


    I dont know the more I see him the more I like him.

    Even though he has no policy. And is completely out of his depth.

    Also he flip flops, believes in liberal policy (which is a failure universally), and used to be a Democrat.

    He is probably one of the worlds biggest Balay Gaavah, and has started talking about himself in third person at times.

    But what can I say hes growing on me:)

    We dont need strategy we need someone to come into DC and kick EVERYONE in the shins again and again until it looks a little different for starters, hes the only one who will really really do that.

    At least thats the impression he leaves, once hes in who knows? Its anybodys bet.


    The rest of the world is actually quite powerful.


    Also he flip flops

    Enough already about his hair! Can’t we talk substance?


    I can’t believe a frum Jew would support Trump.

    He supports closing borders. Closed borders have resulted in millions of our people dying. Our very existence depends upon open borders.

    He used bankruptcy laws to extort the people who lend money to his projects into accepting equity interest in the projects rather than paying them back as agreed. He has done this enough times that it is fair to characterize it as a strategy. He actually has sufficient wealth to have paid his creditors rather than to have stiffed them. This is so unethical that it is almost impossible to describe; he really should be looking at residence in prison rather than at the White House.

    And his most prominent businesses are gambling casinos and beauty pageants — things that represent the worst of what secular society has to offer.

    If many frum Jews end up supporting Trump it will be proof that orthodoxy is no barrier to assimilation. And the assimilation will be the worst kind — on the inside, rather than the outside.


    I can’t believe a frum Jew would support Clinton- She pro abortion, which is clearly against the Torah. She is pro gay marriage, which again is clearly against the Torah. She supports the horrible Iran deal, which allows Iran to get eventually obtain nuclear weapons and allows Iran to receive $150 billion to sponsor even more terrorism against Jews. And her most prominent business is the Clinton Foundation which took money from terrorist countries and in return gave favors from the State Department when Clinton worked there.

    If many Frum Jews end up supporting Clinton it will be proof that orthodoxy is no barrier to assimilation. And the assimilation will be the worst kind– on the inside, rather than the outside.


    Trump will definitely do an amazing job fixing Obama’s mess. It’s going to be a hard job but he’s the man for the job. Trump will stand up to Russia and China. He will make America the greatest world power again.


    kfb: Thank you! i couldnt find the right words, but you said it best



    Democrats and Liberals, Machala Sheayn Bo Refuah.

    Letakein Girl

    The reason Trump has been the front runner among Republicans is because he, unlike every other Republican presidential candidate, knows how to manipulate people’s emotions, thereby creating the irrational support for him that is obvious in this thread.

    Please think logically! Whoever heard the first Republican debate will agree with what I am saying. When Trump was asked about his policies on things like immigration and health care, he had nothing to say. When asked why he funded so many Democrats for so many years, he had nothing to say. (He said he donated money to Hillary Clinton so that she’d come to his wedding!)

    The only time Donald has anything logical to say is when he is combatting the political correctness that been driving people crazy lately.

    In a time where Iran is poised to gain nuclear power with permission and practically support from people like President Obama, we should not be combatting political correctness. We should be focussing on the real problems in this country and around the world.

    I’ve heard Ben Shapiro, editor in chief of Breitbart.con speak about this several times. Please google for his analysis of Donald Trump; it is fascinating.


    Hilary-ous should not even get the nomination, but if she does, we had better have a candidate who is not afraid to stand up to her and ask the questions Mitt Romney was afraid to in the last election against her boss (who BTW, IS the most arrogant man around – at least Donald Trump loves Israel). There is no room for keeping the gloves on this time around.


    Loving Israel does not make a man less arrogant.


    Letakein dont worry.

    Trump will NOT win ONE primary. You heard it here first.

    If you look at the numbers there is close to 60% of R voters against him. (And over 50% that say they will NEVER vote for him).

    He is leading because there is 17,000 candidates running. Once the field gets winnowed down to a handful you will see.


    And although I said he is growing on me I would not vote for him.

    I would give him a job in the administration though, like spokesman or ambassador to the U.N.


    iBump 2.0

    +1 on making him ambassador to the U.N.!

    🙂 Bump 🙂


    If you want to “makw america great again”, elect Rubio.


    Rubio is great, Cruz is even better.

    Carson and Fiorina are both fantastic outsiders.

    Walker is proven and good on most issues.

    Perry would be top tier if he didnt blow it so bad last time.

    Amazing the best crop of R’s since Reagan and we get to look at Trump.

    Is there hope for America?

    Its a reminder we are in Golus. Hashem runs the world, yes, even the primaries 🙂


    I don’t think it’s a good idea to trust racist arrogant men who claim they’ll make their country great again.


    If Trump is growing on you, try fast-actin’ Tinactin, or Jublia, or Desenex.


    Yes, Trump is growing on me as well.

    BUT – I think that anyone who commutes to work, or spends a significant amount of time driving on highways, should vote for Chis Christie.

    You may not be able to afford the alternative….:)


    Trump is more a media person than a business person. He has his role. He is “in role” as an insulting, sarcasting nativist. But an actor can easily adapt and play a different role. The polls show most Repubublicans want a non-politicians (adding up Trump, Carson and Fiorina), and if Trump can’t adapt his character to a more presidential one (i.e. not insulting people, not turning off potential supports, failing to reach beyond his core base), Carson is right behind (and in all fairness, Carson views are more that of a mainstream conservative, and he is preceived as more statesmanlike and more of a “mentch”.


    I do not support Trump.


    no wonder why they call you crooked hillary. im not surprised.


    ??? ?????.

    ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???. ?????!

    Mr. Trump go home

    Enough is enough!



    go trump amen!


    Dump Trump…………..

    That’s the mantra of sane Republicans.

    You picked him, too bad…it’s too late to get a substitute candidate on the ballot in most states.


    CTLAWYER- im a democrat that wants trump and wants hillary to lose (obviously).


    I dont want either…what should I do??????


    You should NOT vote for Trump UNLESS:

    – you love E”Y and are concerned with the wellfare of its Jewish inhabitants

    – you wonder why Clinton got off scott free for a security breach that would have landed anyone else behind bars

    – you’re concerned with the influx of 100’s of thousands of moslem immigrants, many of whom prefer sharia to democracy

    It is a DISGRACE to compare the closed-door immigration policy during FDR’s presidency, which resulted in the loss of countless of Jewish lives, with limiting immigration of individuals from Islamic countries – Jews have been grateful members and outstanding contributors

    in every society that has ever let them in!


    Don’t go pretending like Trump hasn’t done bad things and you don’t prefer halacha over democracy.


    They are both bad, and if the polls are correct and Hillary is so far ahead, it won’t make a difference to vote for trump


    Not what you meant -OK, so what exactly was that comment – some sort of rebuttal? We’re talking about the less of two evils – and yes, Clinton will probably win which is great because you Chutznikim will be forced to move to E”Y – I’m no zionist in the political sense just a frum Jew who loves E”Y – maybe if we show we are waiting faithfully for the King in his palace, He’ll finally come


    CTlawyer -“Dump Trump…………..

    That’s the mantra of sane Republicans.”

    It would be sane if the one that gets in would be better!

    But right now those Republicans are Insane!

    If that person named Hillary gets in – the country won’t be the same!

    Eg. San Bernardino, California terrorist attack would look like child’s play compared to what will happen under her rule!


    Flatbusher, it’s always been the case for us New Yorkers — there’s never been any doubt that she’ll win NY’s electoral votes. That’s an advantage, because we can safely vote for a third party or write in candidate — someone we actually consider a decent human being.


    Why is it that in a country the size of America the best 2 candidates you can produce are these 2 Mushchosim?

    Here in the UK a candidacy like Trump’s would never have got off the ground, and Hilary would have been forced to step down over the emails.

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