United States – No Unity after an Insurrection

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    There should be no unity when we had a president who lied about losing the election and who with the help of republican senators and congressmen created an environment where on Jan 6 2021 there was a riot in the capitol and a capitol police officer named Brian Sicknick was killed.

    Remember – Brian Sicknick died during an insurrection against the government of the US.

    It will take a long time for the country to heal from the riots at the capitol on Jan 6 2021.

    Healing needs to start with the republicans admitting defeat and trump and his band of thieves getting punished.

    Until then, unity only means that the insurrectionists are still trying to win.


    A guy running around half naked with an animal skin, and no weapons, is NOT an insurrection. If you were planning an insurrection, you would arrive well armed (including artillery and air support), and in advance would have arranged with the local garrisons to mutiny. Confusing trespassing, disorderly conduct and vandalism with treason marks one as a fool. Using your foolish to support banning all expressions of dissent directed against the state marks you as a fascist.

    The attacks on government buildings in the Pacific Northwest are closer to “insurrection” except they seem more aimed at disruption the seizure of power.


    Oh Jackk, -“Healing needs to start with the republicans admitting defeat and trump and his band of thieves getting punished.”

    Healing needs to start with the DemonCrats admitting that they Stole the Presidential election and their band of Thieves getting Punished!


    “It will take a long time for the country to heal from the riots at the capitol on Jan 6 2021.”
    Besides for the family of Brian Sicknick, who did not deserve to die and every normal American – including Republicans – sees it as a great tragedy, the country needs to heal? seriously? from what? from a few lunatic barbarians storming the Capital? If you need therapy after seeing that, I truly feel bad for you.
    Now what about thousands of Americans whose lives were ruined by BLM riots? How long will it take for them to be healed?

    “trump and his band of thieves getting punished.”
    If a violent mob goes crazy on your side of the isle, you should tell them to go home as Trump did,
    not denounce violence and then encourage ‘peaceful protests’ like Biden. If Biden doesn’t need to be punished (and I don’t think he does) neither does Trump

    I am very suspicious that this thread is a troll. The exaggeration and double-standard is amazing.


    Troll? Perhaps. I just know that trump has been out of office a week and these guys can’t seem to stop obssessing over him, talking about him and complaining about him. At least jackk is willing to admit that he has no interest in unity, what’s everyone else’s excuse?


    Since 45 Republicans voted today that impeachment of the president for an insurrection is unconstitutional , it means that the Republican party can be destroyed for the next 4 years.


    Lol the democrats have never, and will never be interested in “unity”. What is unity anyways? Now days, anyone who dares voice his opinion that is different than that of the liberal woke mob, is a “hateful bigot”. What a joke, jackk, I think syag is right. Your trolling.


    Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was a Trump supporter.

    The Democrats have not apologized and admitted they were wrong to support the riotous insurrectionists during the BLM/Antifa uprising burning multiple cities across the United States, by thousands of left-wing criminals killing and injuring scores more people over many months then the three-hours one time riot by a couple hundred people in DC.

    It is also noteworthy that when police officers killed black violent criminal thugs engaged in malicious activity the BLM/Antifa/left-wing rioted and were supported by Democrats because the dead criminal was engaged in violence but unarmed. On the other hand, when a white unarmed non-dangerous U.S. veteran woman engaged in non-violent trespassing in the Capitol building and was shot dead for the high crime of attempting to go through a broken window, the Democrats and the Left had no complaints over her being killed by a police officer.


    “DemonCrats admitting that they Stole the Presidential election”

    Can’t you come up with anything original?

    the Republican party can be destroyed for the next 4 years.”

    Convicting Trump would be good for America and good for the Republican Party, but all but five of the Senate Republicans are so scared of the Cult Leader that they will walk over the cliff with him.

    ” when a white unarmed non-dangerous U.S. veteran woman engaged in non-violent trespassing in the Capitol building and was shot dead for the high crime of attempting to go through a broken window, the Democrats and the Left had no complaints over her being killed by a police officer.”

    I have no complaints. She was killed while in the process of trying to lead a mob into a secure area in order to threaten the lives of elected officials. She had made a selfie just moments earlier expressing pride in what she was about to do. The real question is why you support her treason.


    TVOP -“Now days, anyone who dares voice his opinion that is different than that of the liberal woke mob, is a “hateful bigot””

    That’s nothing – Anybody who voices any dissent, like saying the Election was Stolen, is Silenced.
    The Left Libs have taken away a lot of people’s First Amendment’s Rights.
    It’s so funny how the ACLU & other Lib org., have Nothing to say about this.
    There seems to be 2 applications for the same Law!


    Wow. Dual-reality at it’s best.
    Welcome to the Divided States of America


    The Democrats and the Lefts acquiesce, acceptance and support of the insurrection and riots by BLM/Antifa burning Portland, Seattle, Chicago and numerous other American cities, targeting federal buildings, police stations, police officers and other targets, including murdering and maiming police officers and citizens as well as causing billions of dollars in property damage, is quite telling.

    It was far far worse and lasted much much longer than the three hours trespassing of the Capitol. And far more people were hurt and killed and property damaged.

    The Democrats and the Left “only” support the “correct” kind of insurrection committed by their own people.


    Civics Review Time
    The First Amendment is NOT a law, it is part of the Constitution, the framework of our Government. Only the Legislative Branch of government, in this case the Congress can enact a law.
    Executive branch agencies may enact/impose regulations with civil and criminal penalties, but they are not laws.
    Free Speech Rights, as guaranteed in the First Amendment ONLY apply to government action. So, if a social media platform, news outlet, etc. wants to silence a particular viewpoint on its platform it doesn’t violate the First Amendment.
    In the old days, before Cable TV, networks broadcast over the public airwaves. As a condition of their license and renewals, that had to allow for presentation of opposing opinions. Often aired in the wee hours of Sunday morning when advertisers weren’t interested in buying time. The Fairness Doctrine of the FCC was eliminated in 1987 under Republican Ronald Reagan.


    CTlawyer -“Free Speech Rights, as guaranteed in the First Amendment ONLY apply to government action. So, if a social media platform, news outlet, etc. wants to silence a particular viewpoint on its platform it doesn’t violate the First Amendment.”

    So you’re admitting that the News Media is Bias against Conservative Views, Not like they claim to be Impartial!


    There wasn’t an Insurrection. Don’t be sheep.


    “you’re admitting that the News Media is Bias against Conservative Views”

    Actually, Fox News is seriously biased against Liberal Views, and Newsmax, OANN, and InfoWars are biased against anything that isn’t Far Right Conspiracy Theory.


    @jackk, its fine because you have a 50/50 senate and 60 votes to get anything done, so you are forced to compromise


    Oh Charlie, -“Actually, Fox News is seriously biased against Liberal Views, and Newsmax, OANN, and InfoWars are biased against anything that isn’t Far Right Conspiracy Theory”

    So that is fine according to CTlawyer.
    But for a professor – you surely don’t understand My Simple post!
    Here is the main point of my Post:
    “Not like they claim to be Impartial!”



    Mcconnell did not compromise the past four years and will not get any compromises.

    He is no longer a leader.

    Avi K

    CTL, I must partially correct you. It is true that SCOTUS ruled that public access channels are not public forums (Manhattan Community Access Corp. v. Halleck) and presumably this would also apply to social media. However, if a non-state body acts “under color of law” it is also subject to the Constitution. Thus, in Terry v. Adams, 345 U.S. 461 (1953), the Court ruled that not only may a political party not bar blacks (see Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649, and United States v. Classic 313 U.S. 299 (1941)) but not even an organized party faction may do so. It is not inconceivable that social media will become such an integral part of the process that they too will be subjected to constitutional constraints.


    Avi K: Various social media platforms operate with various exemptions from federal law and benefits that were conferred based on implied public benefits or expansive readings of the public interest standard in the underlying statute. These go beyond the much lamented Section 230 issues that Trump ranted about in the final few weeks of his campaign. Late this week, after the rather bizarre attack by the Reddit Mob on Gamestop and other short positions held by hedge funds in a bunch of public traded stocks, there were cries of “gevalt” from the usual suspects demanding “regulatory accountability” whatever that means. The FCC, under its prior Chairman, had debated and rejected the notion of regulating ISPs and even some social medial sites as “public utilities”given that they had morphed (albeit unintentionally) into “essential services”

    Avi K

    G, are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?


    Avi, it depends which side of his mouth he’s speaking from.

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