There are a lot of virtual shiurim.
Does anyone know how to find a virtual chavrusa these days?
Daf Hashavua is setting up chavurusas but I am looking for daf yomi.
Mods, I am very sorry for those two extra posts. I’m pretty new here, so I don’t know exactly how long it takes for something to get through. I ask your mechila for being so impatient with you.
I’m bumping this up. I got a great virtual night seder chavrusa from this thread. I got a morning daf yomi chavrusa (9 am on the phone) from a separate way, not YWN, but he is BH going back to work. (I’m working remote the whole summer). If anyone wants to learn day yomi 9 am (NY time) over the phone please let me know. Thanks.
Reb Eliezer,
I’m still looking for a chavrusa but thanks. Thats a great thread. Would you know of a whatsapp group where you can ask daf questions? Daf Hashavua has one.