Warning you will regret not reading very word.

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    bael teshuva

    I prayed that if I did something that made Hashem want to give me pain and suffering then when people do bad to me even make me a Yetzer Hara, Hashem should count it as such a big mitzvah that they did bad to me. Then I sang and danced to thank Hashem that I prayed like that. The Zohor says that Netzosis are Zechusim to bring Mashiach. When someone does a sin the Netzosis go to Klipos. When people accept pain and suffering, they get back Netzosis. The Archos tzadikim says joy for Pain or suffering is a thousand times more powerful to bring Mashiach. The Chofetz Chaim says Ahavas Yisrael brings Mashiach. In this week’s parsha Moshe makes the Makos. This week you can bring Mashiach. Your parents and great grandparents will be proud that you brought Mashiach, if you pray this way. Will you be able to tell your children for all generations that you prayed this way. Written by F. B.


    Can I give you kvittelech?


    1. Your name is very appropriate.
    2. You’re right. I won’t regret reading this. But I do regret the 45 seconds of my life reading this that I’ll never get back.


    Sholom My dear Bael Teshuva,
    Thank you, yasher koach for these pivotal words. You added some very hands on chizukim for nisyoinois and yissurim that we may R”L have to go trough. May you continue to be inspired in your avoidas HaBorei Boruch Hu, and continue to inspire others.

    bael teshuva

    Zohor says pain and suffering brings Mashiach. Pray everyone should pray like this. How much do you want to bring Mashiach.


    When I was a teenage student, my reading comprehension was rated
    as being in the top 5% of students who planned to attend college.

    But whenever I read messages written by “bael teshuva”, I always feel confused.


    maybe you should go learn some gemara

    Ari Knobler

    On a site rife with trolls, BT is one of the very BEST trolls.


    All messages written by “bael teshuva” should be deleted by moderators,
    because he is a troll (as explained by Ari Knobler)
    and because his comments are low-quality.


    hey, trolls have rights too

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