Watch out!!! someone is looking!!!

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    When moshiach comes, or when we all meet up there after 120, we will all know who is who on here!!! watch out!!! YOu will not be anonymous anymore!!!


    OK, you’re successfully chasing me away! Shalom and see you in Yerushalayim!!!!!!!!!!!!

    am yisrael chai

    Don’t worry; the mods prevent you from saying anything terrible…

    You’re all safe…


    Looking forward to meeting you all in person!!!


    Want a more scary thought? All of your family and friends will be able to see what you did behind closed doors. They will see the real you not the you that you project to the world.


    Which world?? according to Rabbi Wallerstien’s shiur that he gave recently we have more than a few physical worlds here… So the question is what is the real you????? Elul internalisation question!!! think!!

    am yisrael chai


    Many people actually project their true persona to the world…The only thing that may scare their friends/family about seeing them behind closed doors is the sight of themselves in pajamas.



    What I mean is that our thoughts speech and actions will all be revealed to everyone. There’s no hiding. Every Aveira we ever did will be out for display. Its very embarrassing for most people. I can’t speak for you.

    am yisrael chai


    I was under the impression that that dubious honor was restricted for Hashem’s use only.

    Pardon my ignorance, but where is your source that Hashem displays people’s shortcomings to their friends and family?



    I heard on a few shiurim from Rabbi Shafier from the shmuz that everything the neshama ever did will be in full view for everyone in the Olam Haemes

    am yisrael chai


    Does he mean the friends/family who would have predeceased us? Does he quote a source?

    I was under the impression that the neshama’s video is presented solely (no pun intended!) for the bais din shel maaleh

    ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? (Pirkei Avos 2:1)


    I was under the impression that that dubious honor was restricted for Hashem’s use only.

    Me too. I think Rabbi Wallerstein once said that the embarrassment is from the person himself watching.




    AYC: whats wrong with everyone seeing you in pajamas in the next world?, it’s only materialistic anyway. noone will care about exposing that.. It’s the spiritual damage that we have done that we have what to be embarressed about.. I’m not judging you. But personally I’m far from perfect & I’ve got lots to work on.


    Not to minimize the mussar value of this thought, but if our lives and aveiros will be on view, so will everybody else’s, right? Those in the Olam Haemes before us will have gone through this themselves and those who haven’t will be thinking about when it will be their turn.

    A more potent mussar would be for us to imagine that our intercoms are on all day, or our windows are open, or the front wall of our houses are not really there, or the camera on our computer is actually beaming what is happening in our house out into cyberspace, and everybody in THIS WORLD is seeing and hearing what we think we are doing in private.

    old man

    I do not agree. Please provide proof that everyone’s business will be on full display for everyone in the World to Come.


    It’s the Arizal’s definition of Gehinnom and Olam Haba, I believe.


    Am Yisroel Chai, you should not use the words ” dubious honor” in relation to HKB”H.

    The revealing is mefurash in Targum on Koheles. Chafets Chaim brings it down.

    old man

    If that’s the Arizal’s definition, then I withdraw my request for proof.

    am yisrael chai


    “dubious honor” refers to watching one’s own video. It would be embarrassing and unsettling. Not in regards to Hashem. After reading the original comment again, I still don’t see your point. Sorry.

    I remember learning the sources that you quote, but I do not recall them saying that our video is presented to our friends and family here. Having the video known up there is surely embarrassing enough.

    Where exactly do you see it? Pardon me for not finding it myself.


    The way I understand it, is not that e/o will know every single Aveira that you did, but that Aveirahs and Mitzvos elevate or lower the Neshoma’s level. So a person with many Aveiros, will be on a very low level, which will be apparent for e/o to see. I think this is consistant with the Arizal.


    Do you really think you will know my screen name up there? I’ve heard of the family seeing the judgement, not that everyone will know your screen name and all other information. Not that you will care, either. As for Aveiros, just as Tzaddikim are able to see on a person his Aveiros, so to will any non-body entity be able to see that.


    i was going to skip over this thread and not read it, but then i saw all those exclamation points and i couldnt resist…


    When moshiach comes, or when we all meet up there after 120, we will all know who is who on here!!! watch out!!! YOu will not be anonymous anymore!!!

    WADR, this is practically Kefira (I know you didn’t mean it that way).

    Hashem is watching (that is what I thought the thread was about). Who cares about others. In the Olam HaEmes, there is no Sheker in either case, so we all only care about what the Ribbono Shel Olam cares about.

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