Waterbury Community

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    My wife and I are looking into moving to Waterbury and wanted to know about the community. Are there working young couples there in addition to the kollel families? Are the schools decent? Is it a warm, open type of community?


    As having visited many times and knowing people that live there i will share with you the following:

    The waterbury community is very warm everyone is accepting of others there is one yeshiva ketana rebbe/teachers all very caring.The classes are small.classes are separate after fourth grade. There are many working families. For jobs most people go to hartford stamford and west hartford 30-40 minute commutes. There is a well stocked shoprite with tons of kosher stuffs and fresh bagels. Waterbury also has a deli and a pizza store Additionally plenty of people do favors in terms of shopping needs and lifts to NY and NJ. As well as neighborly things like babysitting sharing shabbos meals etc.. You can live in waterbury proper(near the shule and yeshiva) where houses go for 150-200K depending on condition, none is less then five bedroom or you can go to blueridge which is sort of its own community on the other side of town where i believe houses start at 280 and they so far have something like twenty families there with half in kollel. Near the yeshiva(waterbury proper) there are probably 120 families.

    If you want to know the downside property taxes are high and it snows more often then in ny and gets colder earlier and of course as i assume you are aware it is still growing and certain amenties you might have been accustomed to growing up might not be in place just yet.But really everything else is great.

    Like anyplace though I recommend to call the yeshiva to arrange to spend a shabbos by someone to see for yourself if the place is for you. Hatzlacha wherever you end up


    In terms of hashkafa, is there a mix of people?


    there is a mix, it is mainly black hat leaning though there are a few modern families think of flatbush or kew garden hills you dont have to wear a white shirt everyday or a hat to shule if that is what you are asking though most people do wear a hat on shabbos and some during the week as well. It is a very warm community where people accept you for being frum and are not so into chitzoniyos.

    Please spend a shabbos there, even if you decide against living there i am sure you will have a nice experience. Just a reminder Waterbury near the Yeshiva has more of a mix. In the blue ridge development it so far 1/2 kollel 1/2 working but like i said whichever you decide everyone is nice.

    Ben Torah

    Do most people wear a hat to shul during the week?


    I agree with abcd2’s assesment – and I live there!…Although, this past winter we laughed at NY – we had something like 6 inches of snow the whole winter (slight exageration). Oh, and the foliage is awesome. Hatzlacha with your decision!


    Thank you so much for your help. One more question- what is the story with early childhood care before kids start school, do people have babysitters or is there some sort of nursery for babies?


    How many families live there? How many are black hat?


    Replies to ben torah and well informed yid Hats to shule during week is probably 50-50

    number of families in waterbury including blue ridge between 135-150

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