What are you doing this year on nittle nacht?

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  • #1813722

    Assuming that all CR regulars would otherwise be shteiging with their chevrusah but for the tonight being nettle nacht, what are your minhagim for alternative evening activities? Have you thought about downloading all of Reb Yosef’s trolls over the past year or other “oldies but goodies” from the CR archives?

    Reb Eliezer

    They don’t consider Dec 24 nitel night but Jan 6 because of the 13 days adjustment to the calendar.

    Reb Eliezer

    See Yabia Omer 7,20 about not learning.


    Reb Eliezer, it’s a machlokes haposkim regarding the timing. But Rav Ovadia zt’l isn’t authoritative on this inyan. See the other thread (titled: “Nittel”) that I bumped and see the the second and third (or fourth) posts.


    After menorah lighting tonight, I spent some time sitting in front of the menorah and playing with the chess app on my phone.
    I played a chess game against the computer, and was very soundly defeated. At level one.
    Nittel night just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

    Avi K

    The reason for the minhag was that Jews were too poor to have many sefarim in their homes and it was dangerous to be outside at night. The first part no longer applies. The second applies every night in Brooklyn.

    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, Rav Ovadya YD 7,20 does not have to be authoritative, but he always covers the topic at hand in great detail. I also pointed out the question how Rabbi Yeshua ben Perachai was his rebbi. Yabia Omer YD 3,9.


    As most years when the 24th is not a Friday, I worked the 11 pm to 7 am shift at our town’s 911 phone center, so employees could spend time celebrating their holiday with their families. It let’s them go to Midnight services.

    It was B”H a quiet night. No fire dispatches, 2 ambulance/EMS calls, one to a local nursing home and another for a woman gone into labor. No 911 calls for police emergency on the overnight.

    I went to shul on the way home and will go back for a noon to 4 pm mini shift this afternoon. Regular employees return for the 4-midnight shift this afternoon.


    CTL: That works in your City (town? Village?). Cant do that in NYC.


    I worked, and I learned a bit. Same as other nights.



    Town of just under 40,000
    Growing up, I lived in a city of 150,000. We’s volunteer at the information desk of the local hospital (pre-HIPAA)

    My Nephew lives near Boston, He volunteers in the VA Hospital.
    There are plenty pf opportunities to volunteer in the general community on NN, even in big cities


    I wouldn’t volunteer to help people celebrate a holiday that has a history of Jews being killed on.


    I wouldn’t volunteer to help people celebrate a holiday that has a history of Jews being killed on.

    Man, I’d hate to be your neighbor.


    Than why not volunteer to help at some yiddeshe mosdos who are short-handed because their regular volunteers are off volunteering to help the goiyeshe mosdos. Every time I think our YWN readership is a bit above the norm, you come along and shatter my naïve illusions.


    the personification of a troll
    shows up to aggravate me whenever I post.
    Confused a post about Trump with support for a president who ran for office nearly 60 years ago

    1 should be ignored

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