What do you think of converts?

Home Forums Controversial Topics What do you think of converts?

  • This topic has 33 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Meno.
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    I’m planning on converting, and B’Ezras HaShem soon.

    Do you have any words of wisdom or mussar for a potential ger?


    Welcome to the family.

    Reb Eliezer

    Why do you want to convert?


    When you finalize your Geirus please post.
    Welcome Aboard!!!


    Also remember this is just The Coffee Room… don’t take this place so seriously!!!


    Welcome to the family!

    pro geshmake yidden

    My advice to you is – make the most of being allowed to cut your nails on a Thursday


    Welcome! Make sure your conversion is through a recognized Orthodox Beit Din ,so it will be accepted everywhere .Serving Hashem as one of His special people isn’t easy but very rewarding.May Hashem help you on your way!


    First, know why you want to convert. Understand that Hashem loves you the way you are and will reward you for living a moral life no matter who you are.

    If you still decide to convert, do a good job. It’s a never ending commitment. And don’t expect your life to become easier, financially nor socially. It can be expensive and restricting. You may lose friends and family who may disagree or are wierded out.

    The major steps, IMO, are:

    Learn Halacha well and start following. That may require major life changes.
    Learn classical Hebrew
    Keep up your learning, preferably in the original sources

    Make sure you have a good Rabbi to guide you, one that works well with you and whose views are well respected among other Rabbis.


    just like Avraham Aveinu (and that seemed to have worked out)


    You may want to rethink your decision. Do you know that you will no longer be permitted to enjoy a cheeseburger?


    Thanks for all the replies and positivity.

    I’ll divulge more about why I’m doing this Moztei Shabbos.

    Good Shabbos everyone!
    ( I wasn’t big on cheeseburgers anyway!)


    Good Shabbos everyone!

    Thanks! Good Saturday to you!


    If you are only planning to do it soon, perhaps you should post on Shabbos to avoid risking becoming an akum sheshavas? Make sure your monitor screen is on so those who hold that typing without lighting is muttar will also approve.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I didn’t know trolls can be מגייר


    “Good Shabbos everyone!”

    Thank you! And please be sure not to keep a full Shabbos before the conversion. 🙂


    While you seem to be an honest person, please understand that there are plenty of trolls here who will write anything just to troll. Some people might not take your story seriously.
    All the best


    I am on the process for 1 year and it’s the best year of my life
    Orthodox is the real one
    Lots of learning but nothing is easy
    I love the Jewish religion and Torah
    The best thing that ever happened to me


    First. That’s awesome good for you! Second it’s extremely important to acclimate yourself to the frum Community and to dress like us I don’t know if you are a man or woman but if you were a man examples would be to not wear white Sox with a Suit and to wear a normal black hat and that way you’ll fit in and everything will work out for you


    Serious advice: Make sure this is what you truly want, and don’t have unrealistic expectations. You should understand that although you will come out of the mikveh with a new and holy neshoma, you will not feel any different. Your yetzer hara will be just as strong, if not stronger, and it will be no easier to resist.

    It’s like ne’ilah on Yom Kippur; you think that with a blank slate and a new start everything will now be different, but by Sukkos you realize that it isn’t. For you it will be a true blank slate, because your previous averos will have been completely erased and will not be your problem any more, but the yetzer hara that grew on those aveiros will still be there.

    Remember the way the gemara phrases the instructions to a would-be ger. It doesn’t say to tell him, “Be aware that yesterday you could eat cheilev and tomorrow you can’t”. Rather it says to tell him, “Be aware that yesterday when you ate cheilev you were not punished with kareis, and tomorrow when you eat cheilev you will be punished with kareis”. In other words we expect that you will do aveiros, and you have to accept that as a result of your decision you will now be punished for them. Basically you’re signing up to go to gehennom. But if you accept that, and would rather be in a yiddisher gehennom than in a goyisher gan eiden, then welcome, welcome, welcome.


    us jews gained alot over the centuries from our converts from onkelos to ruth.
    which jew from birth can make the sacarifice avraham ben avrohom did.
    in fact mosiach will come from come ruth fro rus a convert.

    ☕️coffee addict

    So was I right?

    “I didn’t know trolls can be מגייר“

    “I’ll divulge more about why I’m doing this Moztei Shabbos.“


    If a person converts under false ideas or unaware of reality there’s a real question whether the Gayrus is Kosher.
    The Yiddishkeit of today is very different than the past.
    3 things you should know so you can convert in truth and reality and with a full heart.
    1. Unlike Avraham, Onkolos, R’ Akiva, or Raish Lukish, no matter how big a Talmud Chacham you become you will never attain the status of a respected Gadol.
    2. No matter how much your children are Masmidim with the finest Middos, they will never get into the best schools.
    3. No matter if you’ve been a true Erliche Ben Torah for 20 uears. Your children will get 2nd and 3rd tier Shiddichim.
    I’m not trying to Ch’V disuade you. You should just be able to enter with a full heart and understanding.


    I have been studying a bunch I’m sorry about the late reply.

    The reason for me wanting to convert is I cannot imaging going through this life with out actually performing a mitzvah as a proper yid. The Yesod of this entire universe lay in the holy Torah and this is an amazing truth!

    Deep down I cannot explain why I want to be Shomer Torah U’Mitzvos it is a deep compulsion that has surprised even myself.

    I am working with a proper Frum beis din that has yiras HaShamayim. I don’t see how I’m trolling Mr. Coffee addict.

    I was curious to see what people’s sentiments were on this forum so thank you for all the responses!


    Reish Lokish was not a ger.

    And what you write is not really true. Sure, some people will never respect a talmid chochm who’s a ger; no genuine talmid chochom would want their respect. Sure, some schools will not admit a ger’s children; those schools are far from the “best”. And sure some families will refuse to make shiduchim with a ger’s children; boruch Hashem for that, since it saves you wasting time with such unsuitable families.

    Reb Eliezer

    My two chilldren where converted and adopted as babies and b’H they are Torah observent Jews.

    Reb Eliezer

    Shemaya and Avtalon were converts/ Rav Akiva was decsendent of converts who waa included in the ten martyrs murdered by the romans because of the selling of Joesf in place of Hashem. Nine tribes sold Yowef with the inclusion of Hashem in his judgement.


    Dunno if this matters to anyone but i’ll say my piece anyway.
    Geirim have a hard time, the torah explicitly states this by warning us to be extra sensitive to them. So for a geir, the first ingredient for success is to have a little thick skin. Not that they should or their not good people, but that it will be something they need from unintentional, and unfortunately, sometimes, intentional callousness.
    Second, Geirim are “k’sapachas” to yisroel, there are two opposite reasons for this, both true. 1- When a Ger becomes an exemplary Yid, There is R”L a tayna on those who dont match up. “even a ger… what about you”? This was the Pshat of the famous ger Tzedek Avraham ben Avraham, contemporary to the GR”A.
    2- Unfortunately there are those who attempt to join the tribe but never really relinquish the “ways of their fathers”. These end up being a modern day “eruv rav” and can cause untold harm to the yiddesh community.
    All that aside, Bottom line, I value and cherish a Ger, I look up to them, respect them, and would try to make things as smooth as possible for a Ger/Giyores i meet. @LostSpark, hope that helped!

    Reb Eliezer

    chash, what you are saying is said by the Chasam Sofer, the hebrew word גר hnts starting with gimmel instesd of an aleph and finishes with a resh insted of a taf indicating hard to start and hard to finish.


    Chash – your first pshat is from an earlier Rav Avraham Hager, quoted in Tosafos Kidduahin 71a.

    Reb Eliezer

    They ask, how was Avraham Avinu keep shabbos? The Hafloah answers that he worked motzoei shabbos.

    Reb Eliezer

    The above question should be, how did Avraham Avinu keep shabbos? בן נח ששבת חייב מיתה. The answer above is not so obvious. For a Jew, motzoei shabbos is the next day, but for a non-jew it is shabbos since the night follows the day.

    Reb Eliezer

    Entering information on a computer when it is on, might not be a biblical prohibition since the display does not last.


    It would be a good idea to review the following thread:

    chulent meat

    The beis din will probably test you on this before your geirus.

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