What does this mean?

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  • #599222
    on the ball

    At the bottom of the coffee room page

    Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li.

    You can also put code in between backtick ( ` ) characters.

    ☕️coffee addict

    this was asked in a previous post maybe ayc can post a link


    This is between < em> tags.

    This is between < strong> tags.

    The blockquote indents a paragraph.

    The ul is for making a list with bulletpoints:

    • ul stands for unordered list.
    • it is used to start having the list
    • each item in the list starts with a li tag

    The ol is for making a list with bulletpoints:

    1. ol stands for ordered list.
    2. it is used to start having the list
    3. each item in the list starts with a li tag

    There are many HTML code tutorials online.


    But why don’t they allow the font, span, and div tags, with styling?


    Why don’t they allow the normal html tags for the formatting they do allow?

    This is (in pre-CSS days) done with <b>

    This is done with <i>

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