What would you like to see happen, regarding family, before you die?

Home Forums Family Matters What would you like to see happen, regarding family, before you die?

  • This topic has 25 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by bpt.
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    Personally, Id like to see all my kids happily married. Meaning, those who are married B”H, should stay happy and those who arent should find Shidduchim.


    To see frum grandchildren find their basherts.


    wanderingchana, I agree, that would mean Id be much older at the time…Why didnt I think of that? Ill add that to my list of dreams.


    To Know that all my children and grandchildren have proper Torah values and priorities and have increasingly strong emunah and bitachon that will be needed for the times that must be faced before bee’at Mashiach, may he come very soon.


    to see a time that the frum world realizes that a person can have a meaningful complete life even if they are single


    The Goq, the “frum world” isnt perfect, only the Torah is. The Torah COMMANDS Pru u’Rvu. The question is, is the person single by choice, or against his will, despite adequate Hishtadlus. Only the One Above can judge. The “frum world” can not!

    Singles dont have to care/accept what the “frum world” thinks or doesnt think of them. The “frum world” has about as many opinions, in varying degrees, on any subject, as tastes in ice cream.

    But Goq, how meaningful can life be when someone is single (by design) and has to repeatedly ignore human instincts? How normal is someone who doesnt have normal human instincts? How meaningful is a life thats not normal? These questions only apply to those who are single by design.


    The goq: The Torah tells us “Lo tov heyos he’odom levado”. Did you mean a full life thats “lo tov”?

    Feif Un

    I once received a bracha from R’ Scheinberg that I should see my great-grandson put on tefillin.


    i am not able to be fruitful and multiply for physical reasons


    i am sorry if this makes me abnormal but this is how i was born


    The Goq, this week, I heard of a frum girl in her twenties who has the same issue, who needs same. Might it be interesting to you?


    Very sorry to hear that, The Goq. Do you feel people judge and catergorize you negetavly sine you arent married?

    May I suggest we start a new thread for this and move these comments there?


    too young for me but ty


    The Goq- I know of two such couples who are happily married anyway.

    Just giving you some Chizuk here!!


    I’m too young for this but I really hope some people in my family resolve their fight that has been pulling us all apart for years.


    Goq passed the test of not deceiving anyone for selfish reasons.

    As far as my wish,it’s that my immediate family one day understand “loyalty”.Until then,I can at least teach it to my own children.


    yes truth i do feel i am judged negatively but hey why should i be bitter i’m a man so obviously i can’t be a victim of the shidduch crisis right?

    always here

    I’d like to see all my grandchildren married, with my husband & me in attendance… iy’H with me walking.


    i dont think u shud give up because of this many such ppl get married


    Not only do “many such ppl get married”, they are adored by their step-children and their wives who are grateful that they have someone to help raise their children.


    i didnt say i gave up


    To see the marriages of great-grandchildren, the grandchildren of all my children, as a nechama to me for the fact that my own parents did not live to see the marriage of even one grandchild, when their greatest joy in life was those aineklach. I would feel like Hashem was giving me my parents’ portion of nachas that they never got to experience while still alive.


    The Goq, may Hashem send you and all those looking for Shidduchim, their soulmates b’Karov and may you/they have amazingly meaningful lives that you/they never dreamt would be possible!


    ty ofcourse but i can have a meaningful life even if i dont get married we have to stop treating older singles like they are diseased and tsk tsk oh that poor girl, life is not always how u would dream it to be but life goes on i appreciate your warm wishes


    My children and every generation after me cling on to their Jewishness as much as someone would cling on to a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean…


    “i didnt say i gave up”

    Good thing, Goq. Because there is a shidduch out there that is custom made for you and your particular situation.

    Each of us have areas which are, for whatever reason, out of our reach (like, I can’t bring bikkurim, becuase I don’t have an orchard).

    Doen’t mean we’re not able to fufill the goals we can meet.

    Al tisyaesh, Goq!

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