One of HaShem’s wondrous deeds! What some sleep can do to a throbbing headache.
Actually, I think that’s what one should have in mind by ‘Elokai, Neshama shenasata bi’, every night when we go to sleep (if we actually do), we give HaShem a ringed out dirtied rag, sapped of life. In the morning we awake in a fresh body, ready to start anew. A refreshing thought.
you could say that on every part of your body, not only your head, but it’s a good one. i like it. baruch hashem we have our parts working right (if we do).
A lot of times we’re not appreciative enough towards HaShem for having removed a machla r”l, pain, ache, discomfort. When I had this booming migraine, I felt so down, depressed, hunkered in..