Why אחדות is a condition for קבה”ת?

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    כאיש אחד בלב אחד
    Please elaborate, why and how it is the vessel for
    קבלת התורה הקד’.



    On a basic level, the Torah was given to כלל ישראל not to a group of individuals. Without unity, the concept of כלל ישראל would not be complete.


    Derech Eretz kadma laTorah.

    ☕️coffee addict

    ישראל ואורייתא וקודשא בריך הוא חד הוא

    When klal yisrael is באחדות then we can be called ישראל

    That’s why ויחן שם ״ישראל״ נגד ההר

    I want to make an observation though

    It seems like klal yisrael’s problem by קבלת התורה was the ג עבירות חמורות (we see that by the חטא העיגל) as such the first beis hamikdash was destroyed for those things

    The next”קבלת התורה” was Purim (קימו וקיבלו) but they didn’t have אחדות (they were מפוזר ומפורד בין העמים) which is why the second beis hamikdash was destroyed because of שנאת חינם

    Makes sense?

    Reb Eliezer

    The Torah cannot be learned or performed without unity. Also one must be united with oneself not be two-faced and then can be united with others.


    Every letter in the Torah corresponds to the shoresh neshoma of a Jew; 600,000. There are a lot of pshatim how we can find that many letters; either you count the letters within the letters (an alrph is 2 yudin and a vav) etc ..


    Yisro6, veoraysoh vekudaga brich hu chad hu – we are one with Hashem and the Torah when we are together. This excludes those who hate the Torah or don’t believe in it, or sin proudly.


    Actually what some mentioned here, the Zohar אורייתא קוב”ה וישראל חד הוא

    Can be linked to זה כלל גדול בתורה…


    The Sheim Mishmuel explains that the entire Torah is considered the name of Hashem and therefore we need to fulfill each and every one of the mitzvos. The problem is, it’s impossible for one person to fulfill all of them! He answers that when we have achdus, Klal Yisrael is considered like one person and the mitzvos we do all join together to be considered that each of us fulfilled all of them. This is only true when we have achdus, so achdus is a prerequisite to kabbalas hatorah because only with achdus can we really keep the entire Torah.
    Here is the Sheim Mishmuel (במדבר עמוד נ-נא):

    דהנה כל ההורה היא שם אחד של הקב”ה, וא”כ המקיים כל התורה כולה חוץ מדבר אחד הרי הוא כמו כותב חצי השם שאין בו קדושה, ובכן יש להבין הלוא אין כל המצוות נוהגות באיש אחד יש מצוות שהן במלך או בכהן ורובן אינן נוהגות בזה”ז, ויש מצוות הנוהגות בפרטיים כגון אונס ומפתה ומוציא שם רע, וכ”ק אבי אדומו”ר זצללה”ה תירץ מפני שהם כללמוד וללמד:

    ויש לומר עוד בפשיטות, דכמו דכל התורה היא שם אחד של הקב”ה כ”כ ישראל הם כולם באיש אחד, וכמו אדם פרטי שעושה מצוה באחד מאבריו מועיל לכולו כן כלל ישראל, ובאשר בשרשם ישראל הם למעלה מן הזמן, ע”כ המצוות שעשה המלך לפני אלפי שנים מועילות גם עתה לכל הכלל כולו. אך זה יתכן באיש שהוא מתאחד בכלל ישראל ואהבה ביניהם הם כמו איש אחד אבל לא להיפוך ח”ו, וע”כ איתא במדרש (ויק”ר פ”ט) כשישראל חנו לפני הר סיני כאיש אחד בלב אחד אמר הקב”ה שעתה הגיעה שעת הכושר ליתן התורה. והטעם יש לומר עפ”י מה שכתב בספורנו בפסוק כל אשר דיבר ה’ נעשה, היינו שבין כולנו נשלים את חפצו יתברך, וזה שייך רק כשכל ישראל כאיש אחד אז מועילה עשייתו של זה לזה:


    “As no people have the same faces, no people have the same opinions”, said one of the acharonim. So, if you expecting achdus by waiting until everyone else agree with your opinion, you are an obstacle on the way to achdus.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Sefer Chagvei Haselah explains that the Torah starts with a beis as the world was created with differences but the Aseres Hadibros reflecting the mitzvas of Torah unite us, so it starts with an aleph.

    Reb Eliezer

    We can demonstrate this where all the Jews are on a circle and Hashem is in the center. Through loving each other, we bring the points of the circle closer together creating a smaller and smaller circle such that eventually it will unite and be one with the center.

    Reb Eliezer

    שמע ישראל the holy Shlah explains that the word שמע emanates from וישמע שאול את העם Shaul united the nation, so unite Yisrael and that we all believe in Hashem that He is One brings us together.

    Reb Eliezer

    This unification explains the statement ישראל ואורייתא וקב’ה חד הוא Hashem and Yisrael through the Torah (which teaches us to love each other) becomes One.

    efshar azoi

    When we are a TEAM, Together Everyone Accomplishes More.

    efshar azoi

    Since Hashem is echad, the more echad we become, the more we can become domeh lo and experience the pleasure for which we were created as explained in the hakdama to the Mesilas Yesharim

    Reb Eliezer

    You mean the more united we are as there is no such thing as the more echad either we are echad or not.

    Reb Eliezer

    It says ורדפו מכם חמשה מאה ומאה מכם רבבה ירדופו, five chases a hundred and a hundred chases ten thousand. Asks Rashi it does not add up? Five to a hundred is twenty whereas a hundred to ten thousand is a hundred. Rashi answers that it is not similar when a majority perform. In English it is called synergy. More accomplish more. The whole is greater than the sum of all its parts.


    To AAQ, #2193394 .

    It’s a Yerushalmi.

    ברכות, ט א
    “כשם שאין פרצופין דומין זה לזה כך אין דעתן דומה זה לזה”

    anonymous Jew

    As a people we’ve never had achdus, especially the few centuries. The Misnagdim and Chassidim were bitter enemies thru the 1840″s They didnt declare a truce until they realized that they were fighting each other over a smaller pie as Reform was making inroads. When I was growing if a Lubavitch wandered into Satmer territory, ( or vice versa ) they were physically assaulted.
    And, further proof, just look at random YWN postings


    Dear anonymous Jew, sorry. It was not “animosity” for the most part -( which is shy cherry picking cases won’t refute this).

    I wouldn’t try to be mekatreg and generalize on the klal. ChasVecholilo.

    We have to try and look for zchusim. Our diburim are mashpia, especially klapei-maalah.

    Chilukei-deios yes, peirud levavos – no.


    IvduEsHashemBsimcha. Thanks for the great אבני נזר, which Shem miShmuel says in the name of his father.


    #2193628, thanks R Eliezer it reminds that:

    עתיד הקב”ה לעשות מחול…


    ☕️coffee addict. I beg to differ, with all due respect.
    Since קימו וקבלו was ברצון. And there was משלוח מנות איש לרעהו.
    And it was before the בניין בית שני was complete.


    quick question. what was so cool about this achdus even egyptians had this as rashi says bleiv echad cish echad when theyw ehre chasing the yidden?


    tunaisafish, who said the Mitzriyim had that?


    the first question is what is torah?
    why did hashem give us torah?
    why to yidden?
    what is the tachlis of torah?
    what is עם ישראל?
    718-953-6100 – chassidus on the phone, press 1,1,4

    efshar azoi


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