Why are people against Donald trump

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    Just curious, has a Jewish daughter, gave a massive donation to hatzalah


    Because he is a liberal who supported abortion, thinks planned parenthood is a good thing, supported Hillary and donated money to her and other Democrat causes, was a registered Democrat, said that he’s “very liberal when it comes to health care” and has led a very immoral public personal life.


    Let’s say hypothetically, John Roe has a Jewish daughter, gives money to hatzalah, and kills people and drinks their blood. Why would you be against him?


    Better Trump selecting next supreme court judge, than Obama or Bernie or Hillary.

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    Because they will only support someone who turns the blind eye to the fact that Planned Parenthood does things other than abortions, turns the blind eye to the fact that the Iraq war destabilized the middle east, and turns the blind eye to the fact that George W. was a terrible president who lied about Iraq having WMD’s.

    In short, some people would rather just blindly follow the GOP establishment. Some people are liberals and therefore Trump lost them at “I’m running as a Republican.”

    I’m not going to bother addressing the absurd conspiracy theories that Trump is a secret liberal running as a Republican. If you buy into it, put on your tin-foil hats and go back to your bunker.


    And because he doesn’t care about the People’s opinions. He’s a controlling stubborn demagog. His lack of decency would be an embarrasment in the public’s eye, and cause negative reprecussions from other countries. His rash decision-making is “unhinged”, and he’d use executive action on EVERYTHING.


    He’s the most narcissistic candidate in a field of narcissists.


    Lovelyme: you can’t be serious that having a Jewish daughter is the reason to like him. Trump changes his opinions for the sake of getting the nomination. Nothing in his history that has been reported indicates that he is a true republican let alone a conservative. He thinks his radical liberal sister would be a great Supreme Court justice. He would be no better than a Dem in nominating a replacement for Scalia.



    1) Please enumerate what, in your opinion, Planned Parenthood does good.

    2) Would you prefer to have Saddam Hussein in power today?

    3) Iraq did have WMDs. Chemical weapons were found by US forces.

    4) Do you deny that Trump has had long-held liberal positions on abortion, health care and was a registered Democrat who gave campaign donations to Hillary and other Democrats running for office?

    5) Do you acknowledge that Trump has led a highly visible immoral lifestyle?


    Neville: Trump could easily run as Democrat. He’s switched his opinion on so many matters so often, there is no reason he wouldn’t change again to run as a Dem. You obviously have drunk the Trump Kool-Aid


    Because he’s viewed as entirely unprincipled and a joke.

    I’m planning to vote for him because I’d endure 4 years of a joke as president, if only to make the point that political correctness and the thought police are way out of control.


    Trump is rude and likes to insult people. He makes a point of emphasizing that he lacks “Derech eretz” (which perhaps is an act, as he seems to relish being the character he developed for his TV show, which may or may not be what he is really like).

    His ideology is well within the mainstream of American politics (he’s somewhat to the left of the Republicans, similar more to Rockefeller, Eisenhower or Theodore Roosevelt). His style and manners are well beyond what is expected of a public figure.


    Whatever happened to Dennis the Menace? He changed his last name to Trump.


    I don’t get it. Does Trump exist in a Curious George-like alternate reality where every two bad things he does can be canceled out by one good one?



    Just forfun…

    1) Lots of things! screening for various diseases in particular certain cancers and education come to mind!

    2) PRetty much everybody besides ISIS and IRan would prefer Saddam in power

    3) Active weapons or remnants from previous programs in the 90’s?


    5) Yes


    I wonder myself. Why do people have such a love affair with Muslims and illegals from Mexico and Latin America?

    I think Trump’s strength is that he’s not partisan or wed to ideology. He’s a populist, and he’s pragmatic. A businessman brings a sense of pragmatism to office. He’ll work effectively with Democrats, in my opinion, and he’ll look to foster compromise, except on non-negotiables, such as immigration, the economy, and defense. Social issues are not really on the radar so much. Obergefell isn’t going away anytime soon, and neither is Roe. Conservatives need to come to terms with the fact that sadly, there’s nothing we can do to overturn Roe or undo toeiva marriage.

    BTW: totally unrelated, but Chris Christie sounded very rabbinical in his answer on abortion a few weeks ago. He said that abortion can be seen as an act of self-defense in some cases, which sounds, lehavdil, like the Rambam’s citing din rodef in the context of abortion.


    I’d endure 4 years of a joke as president

    We will have already endured 8…


    We will have already endured 8…

    I almost wrote that, but it’s not really true. Obama isn’t a joke, he has many other problems including being a rasha, and hating the country, and having no respect for the rule of law, but I don’t think he is a joke.


    Why do some people have such a love affair with Jews and illegals from Poland and Hungary?


    Not wanting an anti-Muslim president does not mean a “love affair with Muslims”. A president should not be against any specific group.


    Way to misdirect. DY meant W.


    Joseph: Re: your first post, then how do you explain Jews, including Frum Jews, voting for Hillary for Senate in NY and for Obama?

    Akuperna is correct. Also, it’s his lack of filter and crude remarks. He is a narcissist, but at the same time, he does a lot of good too and he is not afraid to tell it like it is or follow politically correct stupidity. I would vote for him over any Democrat.


    Trump is a liar and between him and Hillary it would be hard to determine who was the bigger one. Trump says for whatever is good for Trump. I hope Barry (Barack?) you are not including in his “lot of good” the contributions he has given to politicians to gain influence. Tell me what you see as his “lot of good”?


    I think the reason so many frum NYers support Trump is because they saw first hand what a great job a well connected businessman can do when placed at the bead of a government entity. If Bloomy could lead NY better than all the political candidates, then why not Trump too? Makes me think that in 8 years from now Trump can be running for a third term also.


    squeak and many others:I am at loss to understand your logic. Have you actually LOOKED AT TRUMPS” business history??? His companies-casinos- have gone bankrupt FOUR TIMES, stiffing thousands of people and losing hundreds of millions of dollars for his investors. He has NOT built ANYTHING in over twenty years. All those fancy buildings and golf courses with his name were built by other companies-chinese by the way- and he SELLS his name.THAT’s IT!! He is nowhere as rich as he claims to be. About the only thing he did was to run a TV program and show how narcissistic he is. He is P.T.Barnum on steroids-fooling all of the people most o the time.He is a shameless self-promoter- with no real accomplishments in the last quarter century, apart from his childish TV program If- G-d forbid- he ever comes near the White House- He will sell out all of your admiring fans for a nickel. He will sell out israel and he will run the government by fiat,as all good demagogues have done forever.


    I’m still not convinced


    rob – I got goosebumps reading your post. Can’t wait! Btw, if you read my comparison to bloomy and took it at face value then you don’t know NYers very well.

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