Hey marrieds when you go to your parents or in-laws for Pesach are you gonna just sit around the table like kings and queens while your parents and single siblings do all the work or will you chip in ?
I’m now at the stage of life where the parents come to us for the seder. 🙂
In any event, I couldn’t imagine not helping — and not just by my parents. Whenever we go out to eat by someone’s house, Eeees and I are always asking the host/hostess if we can be of help.
While its obviously wrong behavior for the kids, if parents see this and do nothing about it (except gripe to their friends about ‘kids these days’), then: 1)its their problem – its your decision if you want to be a doormat, 2) not to mention probably an effect of their own chinuch 🙂
I only want to learn Torah. So when they ask me to share the burden I accuse them of trying to shmad me by taking me away from the beis medrash and placing me in such a bad atmosphere (the kitchen). Then when it comes time to enjoy the results I don’t thank them for doing the preparations; in fact I say that they should be thanking me because it was really my Torah learning that did it.