Yavo Song – Terrible Mistake

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    in Miami Yovo, the song says “Moshiach Hashem” which is a HUGE mistake. this means, “Moshiach IS Hashem,” which is of course, not true. The correct pronunciation is “Mishiach Hashem” which means “the Anointed one of Hashem.” if this mistake is not corrected, you’ll have the most popular jewish song (actually a VERY good song i must say) with words of heresy. so please pass it on.


    I am sincerely jealous that you have no other problems in your life that you need to go so far to find some problem. With all due respect you are “hoking ah chainik.”



    I think what you meant to say was “thank you for the information.” 🙂

    The Wolf


    we jews don’t believe that mashiach is god. that’s called christianity. at least the wolf realizes that it’s not good to put nonsense from other religions into jewish songs. of course that wasn’t YB’s intention, but the more people know not to sing it that way, the better.


    thank you!! for giving the world that information. seriously, no sarcasm intended.


    @emoticon613 you’re welocme


    i wouldn’t have picked that one up! thanks for the info “oyveykidsthesedays”


    i made a mistake. it doesn’t mean “moshiach is hashem,” rather “hashem is moshiach.” but the gist is the same.


    I know I’ve mentioned this before, but this seems like a good thread to bring it up on, since it’s related:

    In D’veikus’s song “Na’ar Hayisi”, the word “Lachem” (in the phrase “V’zaro mevakaish lachem”) is pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable: laCHEM. The correct pronunciation is LAchem, with the emphasis on the first syllable. I think this causes people to pronounce it incorrectly when bentching, and it completely changes the meaning of the word from “Bread” to “To you”.

    I’m unfamiliar with this song “Yavo”, since I really don’t know too much Jewish music from this century. But I thank you for bringing it up.


    Which literally means that Hashem is the “anointed one” or the “savior” and it is just fine.

    Indeed, many singers and plenty of baalei tefila make mistakes that change the meanings of psukim.

    on the ball

    Here are some other issues with popular songs:

    Avraham Fried’s ‘Ish es reayhu yaazoiru ulochiv yomar chazak’ is from Yeshaya – a reference to Goyim exhorting each other to rebel against Hashem.

    Carlebach and other’s ‘ Hinei yomim boim neum Hashem v’hishlachti ro’ov bo’oretz lo ro’ov lalechem v’lo tsomo lamayim ki im lishmoa divrei Hashem’. This was one of the severest and harshest nevuas that there will be nobody who will be able to teach Torah (see meforshim there)


    If I would start commenting on all the mistakes in Jewish music, I could write a VERY long book. Yes, this is one particularly bad one, and there are lots more.


    That’s funny. On my copy of the CD it is sung MIshiach, not MOshiach. I must have the 2nd edition.


    Useful info for anyone who sings Tzur Mishelo.


    “Carlebach and other’s ‘ Hinei yomim boim neum Hashem v’hishlachti ro’ov bo’oretz lo ro’ov lalechem v’lo tsomo lamayim ki im lishmoa divrei Hashem’. This was one of the severest and harshest nevuas that there will be nobody who will be able to teach Torah (see meforshim there)”

    im probably wrong because i never learned it inside, but i thought it meant that the hunger and thirst will be for EVERYONE to hear the words of Hashem- that the entire world will recognize Him.

    on the ball

    Anonymrs – yes I thought so too till I learned it and looked at Rashi.


    We need to have songs with words that are more controversial.

    I composed a nigun called “Ibeavoid Reshoim Rino” for Creedmoor; I am waiting for some good news from Venezuela or Iran before I release it.

    For example, I would love to hear a song that takes words from psukim connected to toieva being a capital offense as a protest against the toieva marriage law.


    Re chazak song: For that reason myself and friends of ours requested that song not be played by simchas.However RE Avraham Fried: I am sure it was a thousand percent judgmental mistake to use these words for a song.He is a tzaddik that has so many zechusim of bringing joy to people, enhancing their mood Shabbos tables, simchas etc.He probably wanted to use those words and switch into a positive, IE that the same Kochos used for avoda Zara can be turned around to benefit Klal Yisrael.

    on the ball

    On MBD’s English Collection the song ‘Prince of Peace’ refers to the ‘son of David come to overturn our sin’ – a concept borrowed no doubt from our Christian neighbours.


    Hinei yomim bo’im is a machlokes rav and shmuel if it is good or bad

    ☕️coffee addict

    That reminds me,

    Mbd’s yerushalayim is not for sale “you better run for your life to Utah? Overnight” why utah


    isn’t the first and won’t be the last song to contain heresy.


    ACTUALLY “Moshiach Hashem” transalates into “The anointed one OF Hashem”- Referring to “Ben David Avdecha” early in the song. PLEASE learn how to read Hebrew before you make false accusations!


    I’ll never forget one of my Rabbaim running into davening on simchas torah night one year to tell us that the phrase in the song and davening is “Boruch hu elokeinu she’bra’anu l’chvodo” not “she’baranu.” The correct way means He created us to honor Him, the other way means ch’v we created Him

    Bar Shattya

    Mbd’s yerushalayim is not for sale “you better run for your life to Utah? Overnight” why utah

    Because it’s talking about the mormons you dolt

    on the ball

    coffeaddict – it’s telling the Mormon missionaries from Utah to go back there

    showerzinger – the annointed one of Hashem would be Mishiach Hashem not Moshiach Hashem as per the original post.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Why would we care about the mormons and not mention the arabs, (you better run for your life to mecca overnight)?


    Showerzinger: “the annointed one of hashem” would be “mishiach hashem.” “moshiach hashem” means god is the annointed one. I’m just wondering who annointed his head with oil, c”v.


    The song was written at a time when the mormons were looking to build a huge complex (I don’t remember where – and I have no idea if it did or didn’t get built) in or near yerushalayim.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Oh cool apashutayid,

    You learn something new every day


    coffee addict: There is a coffeeaddict in another thread. Is that the you?

    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you choc,

    I see I wasn’t the only one that was confused


    I don’t remember where – and I have no idea if it did or didn’t get built

    Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center is on Mount Scopus.

    ☕️coffee addict

    no (i think it’s someone that decided to copy me)


    wow i didn’t know this :o! thanks for the info 😉 should i send out a text to ppl i know and tell them??

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