YWN CR Poasters. Do you believe that the Tianamen Square Massacre happened?

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  • #2054721

    Seeing that there is alot of CCP support here. I am wondering- do you think the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened? And if you think it did, did China HAVE to do it as it had no other course it could follow?

    If you support that. What about the Kent State Shootings?



    America shouldn’t be the world’s policeman.


    How can you criticize america’s greatest ally


    Do you believe Moshe Rabeinu was around for k’riyas yam suf or was this whole story just another illustration of “Fake News” to make Pharoh look bad??


    What exactly is a “poaster?”


    The bird says “I must build a nest”
    The beaver says “I must build a dam”
    The YWN Coffee room regular says: “I must POAST”


    To takahmama: A poaster is a household applicance that heats pread to make it into poast.

    I believe that the Tianamen Square massacre happened because (i) it was reported by reputable and responsible news services, e.g., New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, and (ii) I knew a woman who was there and told me about it.

    As for the Kent State massacre of 1970, see clause (i) of the previous sentence.


    #1 I don’t have to believe, I watched the news coverage of the massacre live
    #2 There were alternatives, but this is what the Chinese government chose to handle the domestoc situation
    #3 I support letting countries make domestic decisions without our interference.

    #4 Don’t get me started on Kent State, the dead Jewish male lying in the street in the iconic photograph was a cousin of mine (not first degree)


    Regardless of Tianamen, the New York Times, Washington Post and Reuters are unreliable and disreputable sources.


    @CTLAWYER So you support China’s choice of killing innocent Civilians in peaceful protests but you condemn Kent State?


    @ujm has high social credit I see.


    “A poaster is a household applicance that heats pread to make it into poast.”
    I wish I had come up with that line !!!!!
    I raize a class to give a poast to huju ! L’chaim !
    lol lol lol


    I can’t believe you’re even asking that question!!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    gosh, they had to wait thru 13 posts for someone to react that way.
    are you familiar with the term “chepper”?



    DO NOT put words in my mouth. I challenge you to show where I supported killing anyone in China. I supported letting countries make their own domestic decisions. I did not state whether or not I agreed with the decision.

    You again lie about my post when you say I condemn Kent State. I said don’t get me started, as the Deceased Jeffrey Miller was m cousin. I prefer not to open a wound and discuss the situation.

    Tie for you to get a job, or go back to learning and stop trolling. No further replies, you are not worth my time


    Raboisai, it didn’t happen, but they deserved it


    CtLawyer > I supported letting countries make their own domestic decisions.

    I read it the same way. You seem to be usually sensitive to human condition. Maybe you are not realizing yourself the pretzel you are putting yourself in to feel comfortable representing CCP types in American courts.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Supporting other countries making their own decisions in no way translates as approving of their decisions. It just means they need to handle it themselves.


    “need to handle themselves”? – this would make sense for a democratic country, where voters are eventually responsible for their choices. I am not sure why such reluctance calling reshayim reshayim when taking about commies, nazis and other dictators.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Who has trouble calling them reshaim? The issue of letting a country deal with their own does not imply support, approval or anything of the sort. How hard is that to understand?


    To ujm: Name 3 news sources you consider reliable. (I need a laugh.)


    Representing CCP types in American Courts??????????????????????????????????

    How many times do I have to post that I am a family law attorney. I do divorces, wills, trusts, estates, adoptions. I don’t do criminal law, real estate, slips and falls, auto accidents, medical malpractice, etc. In fact 90% of my personal work is for one family and its trusts across five generations.

    I take very few new client families at this point of my life, I don’t do any advertising and a prospective client would need a really fine referral to see me. The chance of representing a CCP type in American Courts is virtually nil.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    CTL – I am surprised you are even responding. What is the point of having a conversation with people who are in it for the emotional response instead of the exchange of ideas. Not worth your time, really.


    > Other people are responding emotionally

    *takes notes*


    huju: I don’t know that there are three reliable news sources. The ones you cited are all far left ideologues infamous for lying and twisting. Examples of other outlets that are comparatively more reliable, even if they suffer their own biases to a notably lesser extent than your examples are The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Times.


    do you think the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened?

    It didn’t happen. It was fabricated by the same people who fabricated the alleged Moon landings.


    >>>Do you think the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened?


    >>> And if you think it did, did China HAVE to do it as it had no other course it could follow?

    To answer indirectly if the US was facing such an insurrection they would have responded the same way. Especially if the demonstrators were white.

    >>>What about the Kent State Shootings?

    Given the information known to the National Guard at the time (they were falsely told the demonstrators were armed) and given the violence done by the demonstrators over the previous days I do not blame the national guard for shooting at them


    My responses aren’t being let through but I responded to @CTLAWYER. Won’t attempt to again. But the fact that you got angry on the internet is telling.

    As opposed to….?


    Are CTL or Common Saychel mods? Everytime i try to reply to anything they say is deleted.


    Do you believe that aliens are among us?


    I wouldn’t be surprised.


    To ujm: Your response to my request for 3 reliable news sources is senseless. How can you have any idea what goes on in the world if you don’t think there are 3 reliable news sources?

    As for your suggestions: I subscribed to and read the Economist for about 10 years. It is sensible and reliable, and conservative. I read The Wall Street Journal for about 30 years, when it was owned by the Dow Jones people. Now that its ownership is affiliated with Fox News, I do not trust it and rarely read it.

    The Washington Times is unabashedly biased, as far as I know, though I have no access to it.

    Thanks for the laugh.


    huju: You’re not the only person who keeps his head in a bubble and laughs when only listening to sources that conforms with your worldview while shutting yourself out from the truths that hurt your sensibilities that inform about news happenings and viewpoints that your left-wing upbringing cannot stomach.

    P.S. The Economist (which I’ve been reading since the early/mid-90’s) is liberal. And the Wall Street Journal news pages (not considering its editorial page) is certainly not conservative and, in fact, leans against conservatism. This has been the case both when Dow Jones was owned by the Bancroft family as well as since it has been bought by News Corp, which under its Bancroft contractual sale terms is permanently firewalled from influencing the news pages.


    I am not a moderator of the CR

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