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  • #616923

    so… whos your choice for US President of 2016 (if mashiach isnt here by then)?


    None of the above.

    (With complete sincerity)

    The Wolf


    Ted Cruz. But I’d be inclined to vote for another candidate who is more electable in the general election such as, perhaps, Marco Rubio.


    It won’t be any of the declared Republicans




    Agree with Joseph- Cruz is my personal choice, but Rubio is more electable.


    CTLawyer: So simply state Hillary, as she is the shoe-in Democrat candidate. (Unless your intention is to vote for a fringe unelectable candidate.)

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    He asked choice for President, not who you’re voting for in the primary, thus electability isn’t part of the equation. My answer is Trump.



    No, all I wrote is that I would not vote for any of the declared candidates for the Republican nomination.

    There are 6 months until the party conventions. Candidates have been known to crash and burn during similar time periods.

    I admit to not being a Republican, so have no vote in their primary. That doesn’t mean that I automatically vote for whomever the Democrats nominate.

    8 years ago Hillary was the Democratic front runner, but didn’t get the nomination. I have known her since she was a law student at Yale. She is a very accomplished and talented person, but has lots of political baggage.

    I do not think America is ready for an Intermarried Jewish Socialist as President.

    My mind is open and I’ll be watching to see what additional candidates appear before the election. I’ll make up my mind after the nominating process is complete.


    I’m not sure what you’re implying, CTLawyer. The Republican nominee will be one of the current declared candidates, which you indicated you will not vote for. And the Democrat nominee will be Hillary.

    No one not currently in the primary race will be either of the major parties nominee. Eight years ago whilst Hillary was the front-runner for the Democrat nomination, there were always still other viable serious candidates who still had a shot. That is not the case this round with Hillary not only being the front-runner but she being the shoe-in, as there are no other candidates, Sanders notwithstanding, that even have a serious shot at winning the nomination.


    so far trump is looking good on me (`specially his ties 😉

    seriously though, hes tough yet has a heart and open to suggestions – but they gotta be good. he sees the country the way it is and has an only goal to straighten everything out.

    i think cruz is ok – yet always seems as if he rehearses everything before he speaks to look good on camera – just i have this gut feeling that if he gets elected and steps into that office and they throw the to do list on him.. hell fall apart.

    i dont think that about trump. he has a rock hard backbone and is used to multi tasking and has deals with really hard situations all the time.

    his ego may be huge, yet hes completely aware of it – and i love it

    The Frumguy




    I’m glad you have a crystal ball.

    While likely that the R nominee will be one of those already declared, it is not definite.

    Hillary is leading but not guaranteed the nomination.

    Politics makes strange bedfellows.

    The first National Democratic Convention I attended was back in 1968 and I’ve been to 4 since. I am a delegate to the CT State convention next year. Don’t know if I’ll be a delegate to national. Only time and deals…as well as party members’ votes will determine the nominees.

    All of the above is a consideration, also the choice of VP candidate. I could in no way vote for John McCain when he chose Sarah Palin as a running mate…it was an insult to my intelligence.

    Ask me again after the nominating conventions.


    im voting for Cruz

    Trump is pure entertainment. i will enjoy till the last minute

    Clinton is totally corrupt & dishonest & deserves to be in prison. only reason she is not is because she is secretary of state (of corruption)

    BOTTOM LINE:people will vote for trump cause they like his talk & wouldn’t mind another 4 or 8 years of it. today we are not voting with our brains anymore…

    B1g B0y

    The Wolf

    (with complete sincerity)


    Carson since:

    1. He’s running on a platform of being a mentsch unlike his opponents who are politicians, except for Trump who is campaigning on the platform of being a jerk (which is probably an act).

    2. His views on social and economic issues are most compatible to our own, and he will favor a muscular foreign policy (as will most conservatives) but with caution (his background is mildly pacifistic, just enough that he can be trusted not to go crazy). Unlike the professional politicians, he is focused on principles rather than specific policies, and is open to working to get things accomplished.

    3. If any of the other Republicans run, Hilary will win comfortably (it might be close with Rubio, with Trump, Cruz or Bush it will be a major Democratic landslide).


    first choice Cruz second Rubio third anyone but hillary.


    with Trump, Cruz or Bush it will be a major Democratic landslide

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are statistically tied in the latest hypothetical match-up according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey released today.

    And that is a national poll of registered voters from all parties and independents.

    The poll is consistent with another recent survey by CNN/ORR which had Trump and Clinton within the margin of error.

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    lol CTLAWYER. You say you won’t vote for any of the Republicans or Bernie, then you get offended when Joseph suggests you’ll vote Hillary. Are we to assume that you’re the one and only Martin O’Malley fan in the world? If not, then Joseph doesn’t need a “crystal ball” to deduce that you’re voting Hillary. It’s just process of elimination.


    The fact that Hillary is still allowed to run, after all the shenaningans and outright CRIMINAL activity with which she has been associated, if not actually done, is appalling to me. People really ARE too stupid to vote. And most of you know, I never talk so disparagingly about people.


    Neville ChaimBerlin……………..

    You read words in my posts that never appear.

    I did not post that I would not vote for Bernie. I wrote in a reply to Joseph that “I do not think America is ready for an Intermarried Jewish Socialist as President.”

    If Sanders is the Democratic nominee and Trump the Republican, I’d vote Sanders.

    I always vote, sometimes the choices are not great. I’m proud that I voted McGovern, NOT Nixon in 1972.


    Re Oomis comment re stupid voters: I don’t think voters are stupid. I think the people who provide money to candidates are too self-interested to care about a candidate’s moral qualifications for office. Hillary has been running for 8 years (or maybe 21 years) and has locked up most of the campaign money on the Democratic/liberal side. Only Bernie Sanders and some guy from Maryland were willing to take her on.

    Hillary is an acceptable candidate – but far from the best candidate – for voters holding liberal views, if we ignore her tenuous relationship with integrity and the truth. There are lots of people with liberal views who would be better presidents than Hillary, but none of them will win the nomination of the Democratic (not “Democrat”) party. So when I vote for Hillary, I am not being stupid, I am choosing between the only 2 candidates with a shot at winning the election, and despite all her warts, her likely policies are materially better than any of the nudniks likely to win the Republican nomination.


    In a similar thread somewhere buried in this website, I posted shortly after the 2012 elections that I hoped the next slate would be Cuomo versus Christie. I still like Christie.


    A Woman Outside Brooklyn – i dont think Christie is a good idea. he can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? (putting aside his current position in the media and wat they gotta say `bout him) yea he can “walk” for his current position, but for 50 states – plus? just the gut feeling tells me hell fall apart from all the pressure.

    have you seen how gray obamas hair got since he started,lol… as much as i dont like him, i still gotta say poor guy!

    regarding Christie on the job? G.. wats his head gunna look like.


    nfgo3 – she lied about alot of things! you dont think shes lying about doing wats best for the people of the us just so she can get the title “first female president”?

    and may we please take her morals into account… pleeeeese?


    None of the above.

    (With complete sincerity)

    The Wolf

    What will you do on election day if the only candidates are from the current pool?


    I think I’m going to vote for Hillary, as I think that’s the fastest way to being Mashiach.

    Shopping613 🌠

    My vote is mashiach



    Please explain to me how ‘Ted’ Rafael Edward Cruz, could meet the Constitutional citizenship/birth requirements to be President of the USA.

    He was born in Canada to a formerly American mother (she had previously renounced her US citizenship) and a Cuban father.

    Unlike lower offices, the Constitution requires that the President be born on US soil.

    For more than 8 years we’ve heard the ‘birthers’ attack President Obama’s place of birth and qualifications to be President, why the great silence for this conservative Hispanic Presidential wannabe?


    CTLAWYER: Cruz is a natural-born citizen. Anyone who is a citizen at the moment he is born is a natural-born citizen. What’s shver? I’m not sure which conspiracy site is peddling that Cruz’s mother ever renounced her US citizenship.

    You are incorrect about the Constitution requiring that the President be born on US soil. The Panama Canal Zone is not US soil, and McCain was born there, and Mexico is not US soil and Romney was born there. And if Obama was born in Kenya (he wasn’t) he would still be a natural-born US citizen by virtue of his mother’s citizenship.


    “Mexico is not US soil and Romney was born there”

    Clarification: It was George Romney, not Mitt Romney, who was born in Mexico to American parents. But George Romney was never Mexican as Mexico did not grant automatic citizenship at birth until 1917 and George Romney was born in 1907. Mitt Romney was born in 1947 in Detroit.


    What will you do on election day if the only candidates are from the current pool?

    I assume you mean that and “assuming none of them change your mind between now and Election Day…”

    The answer to that question is the same as in 2012 when I did not like Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. I voted for a write-in candidate of my choosing.

    You’re going to ask me then, “why bother?” right? I’ll pre-empt the questions here:

    So why bother voting at all? Why not just stay home?

    Because the race for President was not the only race that day, and I did cast votes for the major candidates in other races.

    So, isn’t your vote just a wasted vote?

    Perhaps, but it’s my vote to waste. I will not vote for a candidate whom I cannot support. Unless I can give myself a really compelling reason, I will not “hold my nose” and vote for a candidate I do not like.

    But what about your obligation to go out and make the voice of the Jewish community be heard?

    I did go out and vote. And, as for the Jewish community, the local elections are probably far more important to our concerns than the race for President.

    But you wasted your vote!

    No, I didn’t.

    First of all, it’s my vote to waste if I want to do so.

    Second, voting for my preferred candidate is not a waste, even if s/he has no realistic chance of winning.

    Third (and as an extension of the second), let’s say I “held my nose” and voted for Romney? So what? We all knew going in that Obama was going to win New York and that it wasn’t even going to be close. So why is my vote for my preferred candidate worse than a vote for Romney when they both had no realistic chance of winning the Electors from the State of New York?

    The Wolf


    “if we ignore her tenuous relationship with integrity and the truth”

    Indeed 28% of Hillary Clinton’s statements analyzed by the Tampa Bay Times’ politifact.com were deemed “mostly false”, “false”, or “pants on fire”.

    The number for Carson was 84%, for Trump 76%, and for Cruz 66%.

    Hillary Clinton is a saint compared to these three. But don’t expect their cheerleaders to give up the Big Lie technique.


    “may we please take her morals into account”

    Trump’s business ethics alone should disqualify him for any public office.

    As should his record of lying — only 7% of his statements were classified by politifact as being “true” or “mostly true”. (For Clinton the number was 51%; for Carson 4%; for Cruz 22%.)

    As should his use of anti-Semitic memes in his appearance before the Republican Jewish Coalition.

    As should his questioning of Obama’s birthplace.

    As should his blaming George W. Bush for the 9/11 attacks.

    As should his promoting anti-vaccination theories that endanger us all.

    And as Jews we should question why we should support someone whose most visible business interests are gambling casinos and beauty pageants.

    But failing to support healthcare for 9/11 responders should in any ordinary party have ended his campaign. Rubio came down on the right side on this issue but neither Trump, Cruz, or Carson did.

    Again, Hillary Clinton is a saint compared to these folks.


    Again, Hillary Clinton will bring about Mashiach.


    If Obama, after nearly 8 years hasn’t yet brought about Moshiach, I’m not so sure Hillary is capable either. She’s actually a drop better then Obama based upon when she was NYS Senator. She may have been pro-Israel then because she was kissing up to voters in NY, but that’s OK as long as she did take that position. As President she wouldn’t be so reliable.


    Hillary Clinton will bring about Mashiach.

    Would you care to explain that statement?

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    “As should his blaming George W. Bush for the 9/11 attacks.”

    Charlie please don’t go down that road. You can hate all of Trump’s policies, but if you think you have a good enough case against him, why do you need to twist what he said? He was refuting Jeb’s claim that we were safer under George Bush. If 9/11 is what happens under a president that “keeps us safe” then I’d hate to see what happens under one who doesn’t. Funny that you leftists were all over criticizing Bush for things like taking out Hussein and destabilizing the Middle East until Trump started agreeing with you.


    Hillary Clinton will bring about Mashiach.

    Would you care to explain that statement?

    The world will be so miserable if Hillary Clinton would be elected, especially for the Jews, that the only thing that can bring us up from the rock bottom that we’ll be at will be Mashiach.

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