Zos Habracha – Burial of Moshe Rabbenu

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    Reb Eliezer

    The gemora in Meseches Sanhedrin says that a min, an agnostic asked how Hashem toveled after burying Moshe Rabbenu when water does not cover Him? It answered in fire. Tosfas asks why the gemora does not ask, how Hashem buried him without becoming tumei, impure when He is a Kohen NGadol? The Meharsha answers that since no one was able to know his burial place, he was a meis nmitzva, a dead person whom no one else can burry, Hashem was allowed to do it.


    isnt it all allegorical? Hashem is over any limitations.


    Reb E – the minim weren’t agnostic. They believed in a creator, but made other serious errors, and were hostile to the Torah jews. They caused such damage that chazal made a bracha for them in birchas haminim.

    The entire gemara is “nisht tzu farshtain” – Hashem created tumah; he isn’t affected by it, nor is he affected by anything else, because He is kulo pashut, as the rambam says.

    Reb Eliezer

    The kashyeh is also asked when Hashem Yisborach redeemed us from Mitzraim a place of 49 levels of tuma and we can answer the same answer that we were a meis mitzva as no one else was able to redeem us.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Rambam says kedei lesaber es haazen, the body parts of Hashem are for our understanding similar to things above. One or two creations were made on the first day from energy such that yesh meayin was only on the first day. A Big Bang happened afterwards to bring everything to life.


    Maybe the question reveals philosophy of the minim, where they do not comprehend Hashem that is beyond world experience. If He can get tameh, then He can get a kid also.


    Here is a question…

    The possuk says that Noone knew קבורתו, which means his burial, not קברו, which means his kever. So what does it mean that Noone understood his burial, ie why or how he was buried, as opposed to where he was buried (which is not the word used)

    Reb Eliezer

    The Bach in O’CH 292 asks that the day Moshe Rabbenu died he wrote 13 sifrei Torohs, so how can he have died on Shabbos? He says that he died Erev Shabbos and was held up until shabbos mincha in the wings of the shechina when we say צדקתך צדק, he was buried. So maybe it includes both his burial site and the way to get to it.


    The Ben Gorni explains that Eliezer Eved Avrohom went into Gan Eden alive. How is that possible if Avrohom Yitzchok and Yaakov didn’t? He explained that any tzaddik could go into Gan Eden alive since they have sufficient zechusim. The Avos, however, chose to leave over for us zechus Avos so they didn’t have enough to go in alive. Eliezer didn’t care about his eineklach so he kept his zechusim all to himself.

    The question then becomes…. what about Moshe? He clearly had enough zechusim to get in alive even after leaving over for us zechus Avos. And that is why the Torah says Kevuraso – it’s a wonderment how he was even buried.

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