In Light of Soaring Food Prices, Governor Paterson Announces More Than $150 Million in Annual Funding for Food Stamp Program

paterson 2.jpgGovernor David A. Paterson today announced that beginning October 1, 2008, thanks to the State’s intervention, Federal Food Stamp benefits to low income families (primarily those living in public and Section 8 housing) will increase by more than $150 million annually.

The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), which administers the Food Stamp program in New York, is implementing changes that will mean an average increase of $118 in monthly food stamp benefits to nearly 115,000 low-income households statewide. Nearly 90,000 households in New York City will see an average monthly hike of $131, while 25,000 households throughout the rest of the state will see an average monthly increase of $72.

“Rising food and commodities prices are affecting all New Yorkers,” said Governor Paterson. “Increasing food stamp benefits for some of our State’s most vulnerable residents will truly make a difference in their lives and help them to better meet their families’ nutritional needs. Nearly 115,000 households will receive an average increase of $118 per month which will go a long way towards ensuring that they have the resources they need to continue to feed their families.”

The plan, which will take effect October 1, 2008, calls for the State to expand eligibility for energy assistance by offering a modest benefit to households that had not before been eligible. Under federal rules, this triggers a greater monthly food stamp allocation, because those receiving energy assistance are given a greater allowance for their energy costs through food stamp budgeting rules.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov! Another reason to raise taxes on average New Yorkers. I urge everyone to go to the Newsmax website and read an editorial that Ed Koch wrote a couple days ago about the abysmal state of New York politics. He should know!

  2. It’s very nice that the state is doing this for those who need it.The state is none other than you and I. We are all paying more for EVERYTHING,including food but for many who are working hard there will be no extra help.Those who work hard and earn a living will have less food available while also giving others more of their own money to buy food. How about helping everyone? This is a viscious spiral that will bankrupt all of us. We’re paying more for everything and on top of that also paying others from our own limited funds.

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