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Lapid: I Would Build Like Crazy in Settlement Blocs

lapA recording of a political event hosting Yesh Atid leader MK Yair Lapid in Maale Adumim last week quotes him calling for “building like crazy in settlement blocs”.

In the recording, Lapid told those present “If it were up to me, I would build like crazy in the settlement blocs” which he has always stated will remain under Israeli sovereignty in any agreement between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). Maale Adumim would be included among those so-called settlement blocs as are Ariel, Efrat, Modi’in Illit and others. Lapid feels that areas including Maale Adumim have become hostages to Yitzhar and Tapuach, yishuvim that he does not envision remaining under Israeli sovereignty in a future agreement with the PA. He explained the government does not build in Maale Adumim to avoid being criticized for building in one area and not another, and as a result, all communities over the Green Line are being punished.

Regarding religion and state, Lapid is opposed to a separation between religion and state for he feels doing so would compel abolishing the Law of Return and Israel continuing as a Jewish state. He does however feel there must be a separation between religion and politics, as he has often said of late.

Lapid also addressed relations with chareidim in that kenos, as one participant asked him to explain the meaning of his change of late. Lapid responded and received a round of applause.

“I say today to the chareidi parties I am not going back on any of the principles, but I do retract the tone” Lapid stated. “That was not proper, to conduct every debate screaming. I cannot speak all day about the achdus of Am Yisrael and then when one annoys me to lose it” he added.

Polls show that Lapid, who has declared himself a candidate in the next race for prime minister, continues to gain in popularity and his party will likely be instrumental in building a coalition in the next Knesset. A recent poll shows his party gaining from its current 11 seats to 18.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why are they “settlement blocks”? That is the problem. These lands should be annexed to Israel. They are part of Israel.

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